Danger lurking

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Meeting Harry Potter must've of been the most dangerous things she could have ever done, no that was incorrect, befriending Harry Potter seemed to be more dangerous but once more she wouldn't change that.
He was a good friend, a bit daft at times and rather lazy, but a good friend none the less. The two years they spent together was probably the most danger she'd ever face in her life if she had been a normal muggle.

The first year Ron said something particularly nasty and she nearly found herself bludgeoned to death by a stinking troll, yes while she knew she shouldn't have felt anything when he made his comments she did. She couldn't help it she was human, she honestly had been trying to help him instead he treated her as if she'd been doing it upstage him. It wasn't her fault he was absolute shite at magic, it wasn't her fault he'd been pronouncing the charm incorrectly. It wasn't her fault he was visited constantly by the green eyed monster and it definitely wasn't her fault that the boy was insecure.

Even then she logically knew those things she once more found herself stuck. Logically she knew, but her emotions and logic rarely coincided whenever she wanted. Something she loathed and hated but there was nothing much she could do— she was hurt and in being hurt locked herself away in a bathroom which resulted in her nearly dying.

Something she never wished to repeat again, especially with a troll. She thanked Harry profusely for coming to help her even though she did most of the legwork and barely gave Ron a glance, a simple nod in acknowledgment.
After all it was his fault for making such rude comments about her hair and teeth.
Regardless that evening was only the beginning. There were plenty of misadventures between the trio, one where Harry convinced them all that Severus snape was out for his blood, a bold assumption to make even though the greasy haired potions master seemed to despise Harry simply for breathing but leaping and saying he was capable of killing an eleven year old? seemed to be a bit of a reach.

Regardless of her feelings she indulged Harry's slight obsession. She helped him spy on the potions master against rational thought , listening to his outrageous theories night after night and when they found that it wasn't professor Snape she didn't even tell him ' I told you so' she simply shook her head sadly and told him to use his head more instead of his gut because as often as it was right it was often wrong as well.

The year ended and with the threat of Voldemort still looming over their heads. She only then realized the true danger associated with Harry. When she reached home, she knew she had to be honest and tell her parents of the year she experienced. She sat them down, the somewhat weary expressions they wore made her doubt her honesty. Instead she regaled them with tales of her spell work, classes, the forbidden forest. The magical creatures she met.. a silent sigh escaped her as she saw the plain relief written on their faces.Guilt gnawed at her for lying but instead of drowning in the guilt she comforted herself with the knowledge that if her parents were aware of the danger there was no way they would allow her back for the second year.

Once more her logical side warred with her emotions.. logically she knew Harry Potter was dangerous. Not bad news, but everything that came attached to him was. That much she knew, her emotions told her there was no possible way she could leave Harry and Ron to their own devices, if this year said anything, it told her those boys were somewhat clumsy. Harry excelled in quidditch but when it came down to the knowledge, strategies he left much to be desired.

She closed her eyes with a weary sigh. Her rational mind told her to stop associating with the boy but her heart protested screaming , urging her to be there for him. To be there for him more than anyone has ever been. He was an orphan, his uncle and aunt despised him, his cousin taunted and bullied him. He had nothing, nothing good at least — his parents long gone, he was an orphan — he didn't come home to a welcoming hugs and kisses. He came home to indifference.. her heart lurched and she fixed herself, mentally preparing herself for another year at Hogwarts. "Hopefully a peaceful one"

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