What happened to Crouch?

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Hermione sat quietly in her private library, trying but failing to read a book she procured. For the past few months since the second task, Fleur and her had been enjoying being a couple, without the pressures of the tournament looming over them.

They had dates in hogsmeade, double dates with Harry and Luna. They shared tidbits about each other or simply enjoying being together in silence.. whether it came in the form of running in the mornings, sharing picnics near the black lake or studying together in the library. It was happiness in its purest form.

She couldn't forget the teary eyed smile she received from the French witch when she organized a Valentine's Day date for them. The atmosphere brought about a side to Fleur Hermione hadn't seen. The girl was usually confident, cocky at times, smart, brave, loving and brutally honest. But the tears she spilled that evening made Hermione see that Fleur just like many other girls wanted to be romanced, she wanted to be treated like a princess. Something the Gryffindor was happy to do. Fleur was her queen, and she'd be absolutely sure to show her just how much she meant to her. The Veela was a closet romantic and Hermione while amused fell more in love with her for it.

This happiness seemed unending but she knew their time together was rapidly coming to an end. Soon the third task would come and days after Fleur would return to France. A startling and unwelcome wake up call.

She hated that she needed to say goodbye, she hated that she would no longer see the French witch every day. She hated that as much as she wanted to keep Fleur with her, she couldn't, the French witch needed to leave, finish school and step into the world of adults. Soon their kisses would be tainted with bitter taste goodbyes, their hugs limited and their touching measured.

Hermione chewed her lip, she played around with the idea of transferring to Beauxbatons, she would do it in a heartbeat regardless of her dislike of Madame Maxine. But Harry. She couldn't leave him behind. And he wouldn't follow when Sirius was here. Her uncle had been obnoxiously interested in her relationship with the French witch. She didn't know how but he still hadn't seemed to realise she was his niece. She didn't see how, from the photos she saw of her mother and father she shared her fathers facial structure while her mothers softness. The old year books showed her just how much she resembled Regulus Black .

Either Sirius spent so long in Azkaban that it fried part of his brain that recognized family or he simply overlooked it. Either or she wasn't sure but the point was that Harry would be hesitant to leave the only other family they both had. So transferring was scrapped.

The only other choice was having Fleur come here, to work in England, she hated it. She tried to refuse many times but Fleur was insistent. Fleur insisted she couldn't bare leaving Hermione for three long years. So the decision was uneasily made, Hermione's reluctant acceptance of said decision brought on many arguments that often ended in hot make out sessions. And maybe just maybe Hermione liked the angry side of the Veela a bit too much, an angry Fleur was uninhibited, free and so damn hot. Just thinking of it had her lower extremities twitching in its confines.

"Is there any reason you've decided to pick up on Occumenlency Hermione?" Hermione's gaze shot up to Helena Ravenclaw or better known as 'the grey lady'. Ever since finding her heritage she had made it her mission to have mother and daughter reconcile as best as she could. Even though Helena ghosted Hogwarts she never made an attempt to fix her relationship with her mother. A sad thing to watch , even though Helena's death wasn't entirely Rowena's fault but she still sent the bloody baron to bring her daughter home.

"Is there any reason I shouldn't? I suppose with Legilimency, occumenlency is the next logical step isn't it?"

"Yes shielding the mind is a good tool to have." Hermione nodded in response she agreed. Occumenlency while not widely practiced was used by many famous witches and wizards. She knew Dumbledores mind was locked up tighter than Fort Knox, something she aspired too. The fact that she carried Veela secrets made it all the worth more learning.

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