Life takes a new direction..

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Hermione lay on a small cot, her eyes burning as she held back her concern, her questions.
Harry sat by her side holding her hand tightly in his own unable to stop his sniffles. He could barely look at her before succumbing to tears, blaming himself, blaming his stupid luck, cursing his name.

She put a stop to it by smiling, telling him that there was no need to blame himself, if anything she was thankful he was able to secretly get help for Sirius and made use of buckbeak before the hippogriff flew off with his godfather. She was thankful her best friend was safe.

"Hermione" he croaked "I'm so sorry—"

Hermione squeezed his hand "stop apologizing, you have nothing to be sorry for.It was my decision to use the time turner to go back and help Sirius, it was my decision to send you away.. Harry" she paused wetting her chapped lips "I'm happy you're safe, whatever happens is not your fault.." she whispered softly.
Ignoring the adamant shaking head, she discreetly rolled her eyes — if anything she was afraid— terrified, Madame Pomfrey hadn't returned, she, professor Dumbledore and McGonagall stopped the bleeding wound with a mixture of powdered silver and dittany to help the wound.

Hermione knew what their looks meant, Harry didn't. She knew what they were most likely discussing and why it was taking so long for them to return. She knew but Harry didn't. She didn't want 'the boy who lived' to drown further in his guilt.

Lycanthropy an affliction, a curse that made them outcasts.Part creatures were treated like second rate citizens, made destitute by the ministry of magic.
Unable to find work due to the ministry's laws. A sad and horrible truth. The weight of what could be weighed heavily on her shoulders. She forced back a piteous sob at her situation. If she was faced with the same choice again she would do exactly the same, she would send Harry off to save himself to deal with the transformed lupin again.

"Miss Granger" her eyes snapped up to meet the twinkling orbs of the headmaster.

She breathed in a deep breath before turning to Harry "Harry would you terribly mind if I have this conversation with the headmaster alone?"

Harry immediately shook his head "no! No whatever it is I'm here, you're my best friend Hermione, you're my sister.. I won't."

She smiled gratefully "If I need you Ill send for you I promise." She glanced at Dumbledore and still standing McGonagall who could barely keep eye contact. "I need to do this on my own Harry, you need rest, you've been on a emotional roller coaster and it honestly looks like you're about to crash so get some sleep alright?"

He stared at her stubbornly for a few moments which she met head on with a patient smile before reluctantly nodding his head. He reached over placing a kiss on her forehead "I'll be here always" she nodded and returned the sentiment, shooting him a genuine smile as he left the room.
The moment she could no longer hear his footsteps she glanced at the three adults in the room, her smile disappearing, her face blanking. "According to my knowledge regarding the affliction that's lycanthropy. A human can be infected two ways. One by being bitten by a werewolf and two being clawed considering the DNA they carry underneath their fingernails could be translated to the same venom in their saliva" she finished falling back on logic, emotion would have no place here, she could not approach it that way. The look on Dumbledores face told her she was correct. Madame Pomfrey glanced at her sympathetically while McGonagall gave her a look filled with remorse but a hint of pride laced in there.

"I see." She murmured "I can't have my first transformation at home, the next full moon is the first month of summer.." she paused "I suspect I'll have to return back to school then?"

"Yes that is what we have decided. Madame Pomfrey will be here to monitor the first transformation, as will professor McGonagall as head of your house and I will come to see your parents to have a discussion with them to explain what happened." She bit her lip anxiously.

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