Simply unprecedented

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Returning to Hogwarts only two weeks after the school year ended was strange, the school devoid of students and footsteps clattering to their classes, the absence of the groaning and moving staircases as students clambered on.

The lack of chattering throughout the halls of the medieval castle gave her some relief.

She didn't think she had the ability to deal with their faces, with their noise, she didn't think she had the capacity to deal with Ron's disgusting eating habits, unable to close his mouth as he chewed. She didn't think she'd be able to deal with Harry's questioning looks. Not now. She needed to deal with her first transformation or survive it at least. Thankfully her transfigurations professor saw her need for some peace and quiet and left her to her own devices.

She drifted from her safe space;the library through the various hallways. She managed to dodge a mischievous peeves and a chatty headless Sir Nick so far.

Sighing she found her way into a near empty hallway.. she was about to turn around when she saw the ghost of the 'grey lady' aimlessly floating through the walls— she was about to follow the ghost when she heard quick footsteps behind her.

"Miss Granger, it's nearly time." She turned to face her favorite professor and nodded. Pushing back her curiosity. They wasn't much said about the grey lady.. many seemed to ignore her and her constant sullen expression, made for rather drab conversation apparently.

"Of course professor" she mumbled following the quick feet of her professor."Where will I be transforming professor?"

"Albus decided it best we keep you inside the castle. Safer for everyone that way. The forbidden forest would've been ideal however, we were unable to procure wolfsbane for this shift."

Hermione gulped "I see"

Minerva stopped allowing the young girl to fall in beside her, she gently clapped her favorite students shoulder "have no fear Miss Granger, you will survive this shift and I'm sure you'll manage to finish your schooling without anyone finding out."

Hermione nodded slowly "I assume professor Dumbledore won't be advising the ministry then ?" She asked hopefully.

Mcgnagall smiled "We believe it in your best interest to continue your education as is, there's no need to inform them especially if the ministry is going to deprive you of a education. Considering your studies and how well you've been doing it would be a crime to interfere in your future."

For the first time in two weeks, Hermione smiled a genuine smile "Thank you professor I think I needed some good news"

The two shared a smile before continuing their journey in comfortable silence, McGonagall ushered her into a dark room, the limited lighting made it hard for her to see but from what she saw had gulping harshly a small cell, a small cot against the wall.
Madame Pomfrey standing near the cell gates speaking to the headmaster about something she wasn't privy too.

"I see this is my accommodations for the evening, you really shouldn't have gone through all this trouble professor" she muttered sarcastically.

"Ah Miss Granger you're here" he either ignored her sarcasm or merely didn't care for it but she sighed and nodded none the less instead of shooting another sarcastic comment. Her mood had been darkening the closer the time came.

"Are you ready ?"

"Is one ever ready to change into a bloodthirsty werewolf?" She countered with a brow raised.

Dumbledore if he was offended didn't say nothing but chuckle "Rightly so, now let's get you comfortable. Madame Pomfrey will be explaining what to expect. The changes , the effect the lunar cycle will have on your appetite and appearances." He gestured to the mediwitch to continue.

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