Tell me what you would do

Start from the beginning

She watched as Jordan clenched his jaw as he nodded, keeping his eyes on his best friend's face trying to keep back his emotions. "He'll pull through and he'll be back to his old self in no time." His words were optimistic, but they both knew it was a lie.

Matty would never be able to walk again, maybe never have kids. He sure as hell wouldn't be a fireman anymore and it was all because of some delusional supposed god. If she hadn't been terrified her brother would have died on the operating table she'd have gone to Stark's tower and killed Loki herself, but she didn't want to take the chance. If he ever tried to come back to Earth for another round Katherine would make sure that not only would he not succeed, but he wouldn't be able to walk away a second time.


Present day

Staring at a still unconscious Sam, Katherine tried to not get sucked too much into the past. He wasn't Mathew and she'd been able to heal him. He was going to be okay. Shifting to stand up from her position against the wall in his recovery room she swiped at her watery eyes before turning on her heel and leaving him with Bucky, Steve and Loki. The scans that Dr Thompson had done showed that Katherine had healed all the fractures in his neck and ribs. She explained to the doctor the reason he wasn't waking yet was because he was still recovering from the minor damage. It all depended on him and when his body was ready.

Passing by nurses and other medical staff who avoided looking directly at her let Katherine know her emotional state had stripped her glamour away leaving her natural coloring for all to see. For once she couldn't find it in her to feel ashamed about her appearance, not when Loki had made her feel so beautiful last night and Bucky again this morning. If them and the rest of the team didn't care then why hide any more? Straightening her spine she walked with her head held up high and looked at everyone in the eye daring them to say something.

The soft sound of Loki's footsteps let her know he was following her, but she ignored him. She just wasn't in the mood for flirty bantering or exciting and dangerous kisses. Licking her dry lips she made her way down the long hallway of the medical wing and headed for the stairwell. Almost no one ever used the stairs because of how many damn floors there were, but whenever she didn't feel like teleporting or being stuck in a metal box with people Katherine did.

Once inside the stairwell she sat on the bottom stairs that led up as she waited for him to join her. A few seconds later he was seated next to her with his elbows on his knees and his hands clasped. "Are you alright, darling? You haven't said much since Wilson was brought down here." Shaking her head Katherine balled her hands into fists to hide their trembling.

Scooting closer, but still not touching her he lowered his voice even more; the soothing silky tone reminding her of the night before. "Is there anything I can do to help?" Again she shakes her head no as she stares at her feet avoiding looking into his emerald and peridot colored eyes.

She felt so conflicted about the man sitting next to her. A week ago she tried to kill him and last night.. last night she'd had gotten to see a side of Loki that no one else had and had had some of the most amazing sex of her life with him. Katherine felt like she was betraying Mathew and herself by allowing him to slip through her defenses and into her bed so quickly. Her first instinct was to push him away, but something about him called to her and she didn't want to lose this connection that she'd never felt for someone like this before. It wasn't just his magic or his clearly tragic history. Something deep deep down in his essence, his soul, a spark of himself answered a call she hadn't realized she'd put out there.

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