Chapter Twenty Four: I cant leave here without you *

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Thoughts of Allie came almost instantly on waking though, because it wouldn't matter who or what filled Willa's day, the fact was, that Allie was a part of her, and that would not ever change. How wonderful, now though, to finally be with someone and feel as if she could breathe whilst in the moment, and enjoy all it was. Morgan was the first girl Willa could envision more with, a happy more that didn't seek second best or measure poorly against a great love that had come before it. Morgan was her own unstoppable force, a force that would soon come into contact with Willa's heart ... and it could most definitely not be stopped.

"See you at lunch" Morgan whispered, as she pulled her top down to her waist and leant in to kiss Willa's cheek.

Willa turned and reached for Morgan's waist, pulling her against herself for one last intimate kiss. Morgan smiled into it as she was caught and pulled in, her affection for the girl with the awful flirting technique starting to gain way too much traction. Should a weekend fling make you feel this way? Like the thought of leaving this hotel now without her, a little daunting and perhaps too much of a thought to bear?!Willa Jameson was someone she wanted and most definitely needed to know in life, beyond this damn hotel, and if anything perhaps she could just swap social media details. Oh, how she would linger on that profile, to take a peek into the life of this beautiful creature, that indeed did taste like rainbows, every colour a sweet delight.

Willa sat with her pen drumming lightly against the notebook in her hand, taking notes periodically as the speaker gave the talk. She was so engrossed in what he was saying that she completely missed the blonde two rows over. Morgan. She was stealing glances at her, watching the way the pen sat upon her lips as she intently took in the talk, something Morgan should have been doing but could not concentrate on.

Morgan found her mind wondering as she looked back to the front, she tried to take in the speaker but she kept drifting back to the fact that she would leave in a few hours and Willa would be gone. This amazing woman she had found by chance on this trip, it was like their meeting had been meant to be... and she sat and zoned out as the voice up front got louder and people cheered, before standing and departing, leaving her sat there, in her own thoughts, completely unaware of Willa standing there, in a suddenly near empty room looking at her quite amused. "Are you okay" Willa asked as she approached.

Morgan looked up instantly, broken from her thoughts and smiled to find her there "yes... no... I don't know" she corrected and her forehead creases as she frowns "let's have lunch" she continues as she stands and takes Willa's arm in hers.

"Im starving" Willa confesses as they walk out and into the restaurant.

Morgan glances sideways and grins "it was all that physical activity this weekend. I feel the same way, like I could eat an entire serving platter of chicken wings and ribs"

"That sounds rather sticky" Willa considers.

"It sounds, orgasmic" Morgan retorts.

Willa raises her eyebrows "oh really" she asks suggestively.

"Don't worry... not as orgasmic as you" she returns with a teasing wink.

"Ladies... a table for two" asks the host.

They both nod as they follow him to a table by the window. Willa let's Morgan's arm go and takes the seat opposite her, placing her book bag onto the floor and scooting the seat forward until she is as close as possible. Morgan does the same, her hand weaving through the empty glasses as the waiter places down their menus. She clutches Willa's hand quickly with a squeeze "Willa... about this weekend" she begins.

Willa is instantly on guard, she removes her hand nervously and runs it through her hair, pushing the loose strands behind her ears, awaiting the dreaded "it was fun whilst it lasted" conversation.

"Can we just enjoy a last meal together before we make this a goodbye" she begs.

Morgan frowns and stumbles a little to find her words, they catch in her throat and she looks back to her a little thrown, a little, perhaps unsure now of Willa's feelings on the matter. Did she want to say goodbye?! Was this a fling for her? A work trip hook up?!

"Of course" she confirms... "but Willa I wasn't going to say goodbye" she says confidently.

Willa's eyes widen slightly "you weren't" she says quite surprised.

Morgan shakes her head, and reaches out both of her hands, taking Willa's in hers and smoothing her thumbs over the back of them.

"I was going to say, without any doubt in my mind... that if you... if you feel the same as I do... that...this wasn't just a hook up... well it was, but then it quickly wasn't. Willa I really like you, and I don't really want to say a goodbye. I want to say 'see you next time' and to know I will see you again soon... what do you think" she asks, feeling nervous and a little exposed to put herself out there.

Willa is stunned, she felt the same way but didn't dare to dream Morgan was feeling that way too. "Then don't say goodbye..." She returns with a squeeze of her hand. "Let's pencil in an actual date, where we are both completely sober and not near a bed"

Morgan's face lights up, relieved and overwhelmed that they were on the same page "I'm so glad you feel the same way... because Willa I don't think I can leave here without you" and she sighs "can I kiss you" she asks.

Willa leans forward, and captures her lips, a soft and sweet kiss that she almost sighs against, because it is given with such relief and a hope, of something new, for them both... the start of a love that would be deep and meaningful. It would perhaps end a little too soon, but it was one that neither would forget, and if you could have more than one great love in your lifetime, then Morgan was surely one of Willa's... one of only two she would ever experience and hold close.

Morgan Keaton... the girl who did something quite impossible... she jump started a heart long feared dead.

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