"I give you one more chance Seokjin-ssi. Think about my offer carefully. We will return in two days for your final decision. I ask you choose wisely". Seokjin looked at his father who nodded at him so he turned towards the royals and bowed, "I will think about it your majesties".

The prince nodded in response before walking away without another word. The king thanked them once more and left to join his sons who was surrounded by his Hwarangs.


Taehyung ran through the hallways, barging into Namjoon's room without knocking. "For the hundredth time Tae knock before you wa-". "Did Seokjin hyung's father do anything? Or is he in favor of the royal family?", Taehyung cut him off.

Namjoon frowned on hearing that. "No... nothing as far as I know. Why are you asking about it? What happened?"

"The King and prince visited them at their home today evening. I don't know what they talked about but they were in there for quite some time". "Really? It must be something important then. It is rare for the royal family to visit someone at their home. But I wonder, how could they go there during the day time. Wouldn't the people notice them and attract unwanted attention?"

"We took a route from the woods. Both of them were in disguise. No one other than us that they were there". Namjoon nodded his head in response.

"Are you okay hyung? I heard from Hobi hyung about what happened. I'm sorry", Taehyung said to him, face softening. He could understand what his brother was going through. Being forced to send the person he loved away from himself would have been heartbreaking. He knew Namjoon was hurting.

His uncle had always been strict with Namjoon. Growing up, Namjoon did not have much say in the decisions about his life, where he would study, what he would study and what he would become had already been decided by him. Namjoon had been an obedient child as well, making sure he did not do anything to trigger his father's temper. He worked hard to earn praise from his father.

Whenever Taehyung came over for a night's stay, he observed that during dinner time it was routine for his uncle to ask Namjoon the activities he performed during the whole day, but never asking if he enjoyed his day or if he had fun which Taehyung found unsettling since he came from a close knit family. He had this emotional bond with his parents, something which Namjoon did not.

Aunt never really paid attention what Namjoon was doing. She was kind and sweet but wasn't ready to listen to Namjoon's chatter as a kid. For this reason he craved for affection though he never admitted it. Being the only child, he did not even have a companion in the house. Moonbyul was a good friend but not the kind he wanted. 

Taehyung clearly remembered the day Namjoon begged him to visit him often because of how lonely he felt. Since he had recently moved to the capital, Taehyung did not have any friends and he did not mind spending time with his favorite hyung. They became friends with Hoseok while playing around in the woods. They both had taken liking in the boy because of his bright and positive nature.

He had long realized Seokjin hyung was exactly the kind of person Namjoon had been looking for. Someone who was affectionate and understanding. He remembered how fondly Namjoon used to talk about his 'best friend' back then. 

And Taehyung approved of him. He and Taehyung had instantly hit off at their first meeting. Plus Seokjin was the one who had introduced him to Jimin and Taehyung couldn't thank him enough for that. Seokjin possessed a child like innocence, which somewhere had sparked Namjoon's protectiveness for him.

Namjoon was one of the youngest trainees in his batch of military and through that he came to know how the world works a long time ago. The environment at home as well made him mature for his age. But no one could deny the fact that they cared deeply for each other. 

It was evident in how they talked and looked at each other. He had seen a change in Namjoon since Seokjin returned, the omega managing to melt the walls around his brother. He had seen Namjoon transform in a good way.

He was surprised to see the romantic and poetic side of his cousin, amazed by the way he had with words. The poems he wrote evoked such powerfully emotions and he found himself lost in thoughts just by reading a few lines.

Namjoon gave him a pained smile, "I'm fine Tae. Don't worry to much about it". Taehyung grew concerned, " You're not okay hyung and you also know that. Stop pretending that everything is okay. Talk to me hyung".

His hyung's smile faltered and he looked away. He looked so vulnerable in this state, unlike the Kim Namjoon who was in control of his emotions all the time. Taehyung walked up to him and pulled him into a hug, rubbing his back comfortingly. 

Namjoon wasted no time in returning, feeling tears fall from his eyes. "It's going to be alright hyung. You are going to be okay. Both you and Seokjin hyung. Hmm?". He felt Namjoon sniffle, his grip tightening.

Taehyung patted his back gently, "It's okay to cry hyung. Let it all out". No sooner he said that, Namjoon burst into tears, body rocking a little. "Until now I've lived my according to their wishes. For once, can't they think about my happiness Tae?", he whispered lowly, voice thick and wavery. 

Taehyung couldn't answer that, feeling sorry for his hyung. The situation was a difficult one and solving it would be equally mind boggling. But they wouldn't make progress if Namjoon just sat mopping around. "Shhh" he whispered, pulling away from the embrace.

"Enough of crying now. You promised Seokjin hyung that you would protect him at all times. Why are you afraid now? I know who the real Kim Namjoon is and believe that Seokjin hyung is perfectly safe when he is with you. Don't disappoint him now. Harden up an talk to uncle once again. Try to convince him, maybe he'll relent this time".

The alpha shook his head, "He does not change his decisions Tae, I don't think he will ever understand".

"So you're going to give up? Remember one thing hyung. Opinions CHANGE. Try talking to him once again at least. What do you think Seokjin hyung who have done in this situation huh? Do you think he would have given up so easily?".

Namjoon thought long and hard. "Seokjin wouldn't have given up. He would have tried again until he got his way" he uttered. 

"Then why are you letting go? This is an important decision of your life hyung! Being with someone you love will help you live a long and happy life. Imagine being tied to someone whom you can never love for your whole life. You'll spend your time feeling miserable. Do you want that to happen to you?", Taehyung questioned him.

"No". "Then why are you hesitating? This is your life hyung, take its control in your hands. Come one hyung! You can do this!", he encouraged his cousin. Namjoon nodded with a new spark of determination in his eyes. "I can do this. I'll talk to him tonight", he announced with newfound courage.

Taehyung grinned, his lips forming into a boxy smile, cheeks cutely puffing out. "Thank you Tae", Namjoon said turning towards his cousin with a small smile. "I really needed the pep talk". "Don't thank me hyung". "I can always count on you to fire me up", he said, ruffling the other's hair.

"I can do this. I will not let my Seokjin down again. I will keep my promise".

Thank you so much for reading! Let me know what you think in the comments section and don't forget to vote and share!

See you in the next chapter :)

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