... With a Mistake (Part 1)

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"There," Ámbar said triumphantly. "That way I can preserve it."

She looked so proud of herself, smiling happily for having thought of that.

Simón wondered if it was possible to die of love.

Ámbar put the planner back and closed the drawer. When she turned, he was waiting. He lifted his hands and cupped her face, more precious than the stone she was named after. He kissed her because he had to, he truly had to, or his heart might collapse from overload. There wasn't much movement, just two sets of lips fitting perfectly together and the strength of the feeling in his chest, quickly returned by the pressure of her mouth.

"I love you," he said the second he parted. Only then did the fist around his heart ease a little.

She smiled beautifully and kissed him again, bringing her hands to his neck, the touch of her lips soft and tender just like the feeling of having her in his arms. "I love you too."

Would it ever lose its charm the way her eyes looked at him?

Ámbar gave him a quick peck and pulled back slightly. "Did you finish putting down the lights?"

"Yeah, I'll give them back to Mónica when we go downstairs for breakfast." He turned his head to her closet. "There's only those sheets left and taking down the cords from the ceiling."

"I'll do that," she said, finally stepping out of the circle of his arms. "Could you fold these blankets while I'm at it?" She asked him, gesturing to the pile on top of her bed.


Simón got to work while Ámbar disappeared to the back of the room. He was just finishing when a buzzing sound made him look up. Ámbar's phone was vibrating on the nightstand. It was upside down, but it was obvious from the continuity of it that it wasn't messages.

"Love, someone's calling you," Simón told her, and grabbed the phone to take it to her.

He didn't get a chance though, as Ámbar dashed and snatched it from his hand.

Simón startled a little.

"...Are you waiting for a call?" He asked with a disconcerted frown, watching as she checked the screen. For what other reason would she be so eager to get her phone?

Ámbar tapped something on the screen but didn't bring the phone to her ear so he assumed she hung up. "Yeah, I'm... waiting to hear from H.R. about the new hires," she said, finally lifting her gaze to his. "You know, so you guys can rest more often without having to do maneuvers. But it was just an unknown number; some telemarketing most probably, it doesn't matter."

For a moment, Simón got the weird feeling that her smile didn't look totally sincere. But, no, he must've been imagining it. He couldn't think of a reason why she'd lie.

"Oh, yeah, those are bothersome," he said finally, ditching that ridiculous notion and getting back to the conversation at hand. If he had a bill for each time he'd gotten a call from Movistar, he would have his own place already.

Ámbar threw her phone on the bed and grabbed his hands, pulling him to her. "Now," she started, smirking flirtatiously, "what do you say you come with me and we save some water?"

Simón raised his brows as she started walking backwards, the glint in her eyes taking him with her just as much as her hands. He could've pointed out that they would definitely not be saving water, but he followed her smilingly without a peep, internally basking in the knowledge that he not only got to see her in his t-shirt but he'd also get to take it off her.

Roads That Cross...Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon