adoption centre (fluff)

368 7 13

George POV (first person)

Today was the day. The day we would finally adopt a child. After a year and a half of it just being me and Dream, we were finally going to have a child.

"He will be here very soon guys!", a middle aged woman told Dream and I.

I could hardly contain my excitement as I squeezed Dream's palm very hard over and over again.

"Okay okay, calm down bubba," Dream said playfully.

I nodded and started pacing around the room instead. Dream shook his head in amusement. After a few minutes, a boy wearing a beanie and carrying a duck plushie came in. He looked about 9 years old. He cracked a smile at me and Dream when we sent him a large grin and a wave. He cautiously stood in between us before the lady said "Would one of you guys like to follow me to sign the final adoption papers?"

Dream nodded and walked away with no hesitation because he knew how excited I was to meet the boy.

"Hey buddy! Your name's Alex right?", I asked enthusiastically.

The boy nodded and said sadly "Your not gonna leave like the others did right?"

My heart clenched as I winced at what Alex said. "No no. Of course not Alex. Me and Dream will always be here for you,"

Instead of responding, he shoved himself into my arms and let his head hit my stomach and arms rest around my waist. I rubbed his back while I gave an experimental kiss on his head. He didn't make an attempt to stop me so I held him tighter and gave him a kiss on the cheek. We pulled apart when two figures entered the room.

"You guys are free to go now," the lady said kindly.

The three of us entered the car and sat down in our respected seats.

"Hey Alex, what do you want for lunch?", Dream asked kindly.

"Ummm, can we get McDonald's please?"

"Of course!"

We ordered and took the food back home. When we sat on the couch, Alex didn't start eating right away, instead, he sat and waited. I cocked a brow and asked "Alex, why aren't you eating? Are you not hungry?"

He looked confused and said "Usually, I have to wait for permission to eat. Isn't that what happens?"

Dream's lips curled down into a frown but immediately made his face neutral. "Alex, you don't have to ask for anything around here. You can do whatever you want, okay?"

Alex's eyes showed a flash of surprise and then nodded slowly. He started eating and watching the TV, completely oblivious to the shocked faces me and Dream gave each other. 

"Do you want to watch a movie?"

"Yes please," he said quietly.

Me and Dream snuggled together as Alex sat on the other couch by himself.

During the movie, we could see Alex drifting off to sleep but immediately waking up and shivering.

I paused the movie and looked at Alex. "Are you sleepy and cold?", I asked him.

He nodded.

"C'mere, it's very warm", I offered.

He smiled a little and walked over here while clutching his duck plushie to his chest. Dream picked him up over the mound of limbs we had created and placed him in between us so were all cuddling together under the blanket.

After a few minutes, he dozed off. I kissed Dream on the cheek and whispered "I love you. I hope we can make Alex happier,"

Little do they know, Alex heard what George said and smiled as he snuggled closer.


a/n okay guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 606

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