military (fluff)

523 10 9

Clay POV (first person)

Today was the day I was finally going to see my boyfriend George. After 2 years of being in battle, I was going to see him. As we were getting flown back, I could hardly keep still. My best friend Sapnap, was also really excited because he was going to see his 2 fiances. 

We rested on each other and fell into a deep sleep. After many hours, we were woken up by everyone cheering and scurrying to get out. I quickly got out and looked for my mom after bidding Sapnap a goodbye and hugging him. I finally saw my mother's dirty blond pony tail standing out in the crowd. 

"MOM! I'M HERE!", I shouted out.

I sprinted through everyone and tackled my mom into a hug, being careful not to accidently hurt her.

"CLAY! MY BABY! How are you?", my mother sniffed, tears threatening to fall out.

"I'm great mom! Where's Drista?", I asked.

When I started to look around, I heard a throat clear below me. My eyes widened when I took in my sister's appearance. She looked so much older. I grinned widely and picked her up and spun her around while holding her to my chest.

She wrapped her arms around me and I could feel her tears rolling down my neck. I held her tighter and let her sit on my hip.

"Let's go, yeah? George still doesn't know that you're here", my mom asked happily.

I nodded eagerly and sat in the backseat with Drista so we could talk.

I let Drista fall asleep with her head on my shoulder and she held onto my bicep area.

"Honey, you can go sleep y'know? It's a long drive.", my mother said quietly.

I rested my eyes and leaned my head against the window. I smiled when I thought about seeing George.

****when they arrived (Clay and George live together. Mom and Drista live without them. They came to only drop Clay off)****

I was still in my uniform so it was a little uncomfortable to be sitting in but I got up and went to the trunk to get my suitcases. I smiled when I strolled up to the familiar front door. I knocked and waited patiently for George to open the door.

The door opened steadily and I finally saw my lover's face. I saw his eyes widened and then he backed away from the door. The back of his hand was attached to his mouth in shock.

"Hey baby. I'm back", I cooed.

He ran and jumped into my arms while bawling his eyes out into my shoulder.

"Clay, I missed you so fucking much! Two years Clay! Two fucking years!", he said while pathetically punching my chest. I hugged him closer to me and then cupped his face in my hands. I kissed him with passion and smiled against his lips when I felt him kiss back immediately.

He pulled away and said "Never leave me again you dumb moron".

"I promise I won't leave you ever again", I said softly into his ear.

That night we cuddled and never let each other go.


a/n okay guyssssss, what do ya think? i hope i didnt do too bad. if u want me to change some things, just message and i can add/change things! eat, drink, sleep!

word count: 543 (short and sweet)

DNF Oneshotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें