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Oppenheimers POV:
"Okay, what the hell kind of joke is this," I asked myself. My dad was 3 things, a terrible father, a drug addict, and dead.
I know I wasn't the only one who knew about his drinking problems, the whole town knew. What else could my dad hide? Whatever probably a sick joke anyways. I had the idea of who did it, probably y/n and Inez.
I finished the last bit of cleaning for my room and looked at a frame of me and my father. There was a sticky note next to it, not placed by me. "Liar," it said right next to my father. I took the sticky note and crumpled it.

Today was y/ns first "tutorial" and she was not happy. Mondays are the worst and there's no way you can convince me otherwise. They're incredibly slow and long, and they make it seem like Friday is years away. Y/n woke up at 8:00, as usual slept through her alarm. She took a sip of whatever leftover soda she had left from like 2 weeks ago. (If u can even call it soda anymore.) "Shit," she said groaning. She had no time to take a shower, she plopped on a plain t shirt, baggy jeans and a light jacket. She grabbed a bar and got her skateboard.
See when you wake up really tired you process things way slowly. Y/n zoned out for about a minute, but quickly focused. Focused on the ground, y/n literally ran into a guy. Not just any other guy, oppenheimer who was carrying coffee and walking to his car. The coffee spilt all over y/n, and of course she was wearing white. Oppenheimer looked down and said "I hope you're better at math than skating," he shot a glare and dusted himself off, and continued walking to his car.
Y/n was screaming internally. Another thing about Mondays, you'll tend to have extravagantly bad, no horrible luck. She walked into school covering her brown stained shirt with her blue light jacket. She looked like she was wearing a straight jacket, like the type that psycho people wear at mental hospitals. Just her luck, the bell rang and she was tardy to her first class. By the time lunch came y/n was practically begging God to put her out of her misery already. 4 missing assignments, stained t shirt, and ofcourse turns out that the coffee stained her airforces. The day was only half way over and she still had to fight the epic battle : y/n vs oppenheimer, in statistics. "Lord save me," y/n muttered.
Math was almost over, Inez gave y/n a look of sympathy due to the tutorial starting very soon. Usually "saved by the bell," is a good thing but definitely not in y/ns favor. Just when she must dreaded it, the bell rang. Oppenheimer and y/n stayed behind.
Y/n took a seat next to oppenheimer. Oppenheimer got straight to the point "ok what do you know about statistics," he asked. "Ok um, there's like numbers and graphs," y/n replied. The lesson continued on until 4:40, they said their farewell (awkward glance and wave) and as much as y/n hated to admit it, Julius was a good teacher.

Y/n walked home, and as much as her day sucked, she actully felt good. Was she having second thoughts on getting back on oppenheimer? No, the more she thought about it the more she got angry, she won't let anyone take advantage of her. He had no right to interfere with her grades. She had gotten his number through Inez, who had his number from a past school project. She texted "Hey, I'm sorry about what happened last week, Inez is hosting a party on Friday you coming?" She texted. She waited 5 minutes and got a reply. "All good, fine," Julius replied. Y/n smiled wickedly, it was all falling into plan.

Oppenheimer was not a party person, but since Leo was going why not. He sat on his desk and opened his text book. A note slipped out, "The archives," it said. Oppenheimer knew what this meant. IT was an old term his father used to use for library. His father loved romantic fiction, especially set in the medieval era, it was one of the things that Oppenheimer could actully remember about his father. His dad's favorite library was located in Berlin, Germany. It was time Julius payed a visit to it, secrets of the past must be discovered somehow. He had no idea who was sending the notes, but maybe a trip to Germany is what Oppenheimer needed. Oppenheimer looked at plane details, but little did he know someone was looking at him. He was not alone.
Oppenheimer booked a ticket, straight to Germany and he should be home by Friday morning, just enough time to attend Inezs party which y/n ever so wanted him to attend. There was a figure off in the distance, but oppenheimer did not take notice. Eventually it vanished. Oppenheimer packed his bags. This was it, he could uncover the truth of his father, or it could all be a playful joke.

Julius waited anxiously on the Taxi, it was dark but the city lights made it seem brighter. He made it to the airport and checked in, when he made it on the plane he checked his phone to turn it off. He looked and saw a text from an anonymous number that said, "you're on the right track." As much as Oppenheimer hated being a pawn and controlled, he felt reassurance from this message. He could finally find out why his father was the way he was. Oppenheimer looked out the window, one question remained, was he ready to find out the truth?

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