sly fox.

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that motherfucker. Y/n was furious. You know those bollywood movies where the guy gets angry and smoke comes out of his ears, and his face is flushed red? Well that was y/n internally at the moment. Miss Kaminsky gave y/n a look and said "we've talked about what would happen.. meet me after school tomorrow." No.. not a tutor. Ms Kaminsky went to the front of the class room. "I have exciting news!! Julius has officially been ranked with the highest GPA in the county!!" Ms Kaminsky announced. Everyone clapped for him, all except y/n. Y/n clapped very slowly, all eyes turned on her. "Well done.. I mean really. Who would've thought you would've made it this far. Frankly when I found out your dad died I swore you would become a suicidal maniac, but here you are!!" Y/n said in a cutting edge tone. Oppenheimers eyes went wide.
"Y/n sit down right now." Ms Kaminsky yelled. "Detention." Y/n looked at her bestfriend Inez. Inez always had y/ns back, if y/n went down Inez was going down too. "Fuck this.." Inez muttered. "Hey Juilius.. I heard a rumor that you were a fucking asshole that made y/n fail.. anything to say about that?" Inez playfully mouthed "A.B.B.A." "No one one can beleive a word you say Inez," J. Robert said laughing a bit. The whole class went dead silent. "Inez detention now, no swearing y/n did this to herself." Miss Kaminsky said very annoyed at this point. Inez winked at
y/n and mouthed "bitch." Julius had it and walked to Inez and whispered in her ear, "shut the fuck up okay? Or I'll make you." Inez looked at him "Woahh pretty boy, if you fuck with y/n you fuck with me too."
Y/n groaned and looked at the ceiling. "Inezzz what did I do to deserve this,"   y/n groaned. A girl approached them, "Hey I'm Rebekkah, I heard the rumor from Inez and I know I can't beleive a word she says most times, but this time it seems true," she said. "Damn right it's true, J. Robert is an asshole." Y/n replied. Y/n wasn't just mad, she was furious and she wanted revenge, she was out for blood. Rebekkah walked away, Inez leaned into y/ns ear "Hey my cousin Joey has a car, he's basically a college drop out I can get him to sneak us out, it'll be like a crime heist!! In a getaway car." Y/n smiled "I love you Inez." Inez texted her cousin, they waited 15 minutes and he texted he was there. They waited for the moniter to leave and they made their escape. When they got into the car, y/n said "I'm thinking about throwing a party as part of revenge on J. Robert, but he can't know it's got to be at your house." "Sure, what exactly do you have in mind?" Inez asked. Y/n smiled. "Oh he's going to regret the day he messed with my life.

1 day later:
Y/n walked into Ms Kaminskys office, she was not thrilled to have a tutor. "Now Ms y/n I am being incredibly generous for not telling your parents about your recent.. out burst." "Thank you ma'am" y/n said biting back her words. "It has come to my attention that you are not academically succeeding in school, therefore your new tutor will be J. Robert." Oh shit.

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