Saved by the Spice

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It was around eight when Ashley decided it was time for dinner, which meant for two hours she entertained Alex to the best of her ability.

We had to reheat our food but Thai is Thai, and Thai is good. Ashely was lucky that this stuff was literally my favorite, or else she would be for dinner.

"Okay, so we got cucumber salad for Ashley...chicken curry for Abs, nice and hot this time, and mild for me. What do you want Alex?" My dad asked laying out the cartons of food.

"Um, I'll get the spicy stuff." Alex smiled at my dad as I went to grab some forks.

"I'm, actually dad, I don't want my salad." Ashley said quickly and I turned around to see her pushing it away from her.

"But Ashley, that's your favo-"

"I want the chicken curry, extra hot like Abbey's." She said grabbing the carton.

"Ashley you know that's too hot for you." I said walking back and setting the forks around the table. Dad sighed and looked at Ash who was sitting across from him before looking over at Alex who was putting some rice on his plate.

"It's fine, really guys I can handle the heat." Ashley said and scooped up some chicken onto her plate.

"So, Abbey, how was your first day at Jennings?" Dad asked and I held a finger up and swallowed a bite of chicken before saying, "Pretty good, a lot different than Alabama."

"Oh yeah, you just moved over here from Alabama." Alex smiled and set down his fork. "Are you liking Michigan so far?"

I nodded and looked over at Ashley who hadn't even touched her food, instead she was staring at her bowl of cucumber salad sitting on the counter.

"Not hungry Ash?" I asked and she blinked a few times before looking over at me.

"Huh, oh yeah. I can't wait!" She exclaimed and slowly stabbed a piece of chicken with her fork.

She hesitated, holding the chicken by her lips and looked around at all eyes at the table who were watching her.

She took one more look around the table before stuffing it into her mouth.

She chewed it slowly and swallows it. "See, it isn't so ba-"

Immediately, Ashley bolted towards the kitchen and poured herself a huge cup of water before chugging it quickly, her bright eyes watering.

"Ashley that's only gonna make it-"

"It's getting hotter!" She screamed, dropping the cup and waving her arms around. Alex rushed over and opened the refrigerator. As he scoured the fridge for the carton of milk, I jumped up from my seat and grabbed a fresh cup. Finally we managed to pour her a cool glass of milk.

She eagerly took it and seemed to drink it down in one gulp. When she finally cooled off she gave a smile to Alex and I held back a laugh at her milk mustache.

So much for Ashley impressing Alex.


When Alex left, Ashley locked herself in her room after screaming, "You two have ruined my life!"

Dad and I just sighed and parted ways, he washed the dishes and I went upstairs to start my homework.

When I opened my notebook, my eyes widened then narrowed as I tried to read messy handwriting.

Pushing papers around on my desk I grabbed my reading glasses and finally was able to read the note.

Hey Abs! Here's my number. Text me sometime, k?

Smiling, I added his number to my phone number and smiled, contact number seven!

Setting my phone back down I got comfortable and prepared to finish my homework.

But I was once again interrupted when my laptop lit up. With the indication of an email, I clicked it open and sighed.

If you are receiving this email, then congratulations! You are now a Jennings Cheerleader. Listed below are the dates for pep rallies, football games, and practices. If you have any questions, just email me!

Ashley Hathaway

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