Its not gay if you say no homo

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Hehe male!selena <- I'm not sure if that's how you put the ! And shit but it works for me so just leave it🥱🙄
Donald's POV
"Selena you manwhore what the actual shit are you doing on the ceiling" Donald said as Selena hung from a web from the ceiling naked(also spiderman!selena I said that didn't I? No? Meh don't care) "Waiting for you because I'm horny corny wont watch porny shorny korny korn horn" Selena answered his 12 inch subway foot long cock rock hard hanging down from Donald's tall mansion ceiling "S-S-S-S-" Donald stuttered "S-S-S-S what the fuck are you a snake just spit it the fuck out like you did when you said you'd fuck your daughter" Selena answered in the most petite voice he could muster "I'm not gay that's what I'm trying to say" Donald answers in a stern voice "I'm not either but if we say no homo it's not gay" selena came down from the ceiling "okay then" Donald unleashes his 2 incher from it's tucked place in his plaid pants "that can't even penetrate a sink hole much less my ass" Selena says in a angry yet playful tone "I'm sowwy zaddy waddy fladdy pladdy vladdy*instert pick me emoji*" Donald says as he hold his cock inbetween his thimble fingers, Selena then stick Donald's teeny weeny cock into his huge gargantuan meaty one(Idfk I saw it in futanari hentai before was kinda hawt tbh but you didn't need to know that) and started moving his hips back and forth in a steady rhythm so Donald's cock was fucking his "I- I guess it does penetrate something-" Selena grunted out through moans and groans "N-No H-Homo?" Donald stuttered questioningly out through his own moans of desperation and submission "no homo" Selena confirmed though it kind of felt like a question to him too "I-I'm close daddy" Donald says feeling the unfamiliar knot in his groin region "same Donald" Selena said and soon enough Donald came into Selena's dick and his balls filled up with the latters hot ropes and then Selena came into Donald's dick, and Donald's balls filled with Selena's cum and they kept cumming from the warm feeling... some say  they're still at it to this day but.. no one knows since they went missing right after, it was like the Bermuda Triangle, like the air almost.. swallowed them up never to be seen again.

I was gonna go with the whole cum filling up the world but that's getting old but anyways bye see y'all next time I update l l l o o o l l l

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