Chapter 9:why is there so many troubles ~part 1~

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"It's nice to see you too tommy"I chuckled at his response to seeing me

He buried his head into my chest and let out a groan. We stood there for a second before he moved his head to look me in the eyes, which I was slightly uncomfortable by but just held it in.

"What's the matter?"I asked, his eyes teared up slightly as one fell so I wiped it away with my thumb

At this point I slowly sat us down on the ground with tommy on my legs, ghostbur just stood there watching curiously to see what I would do

"You remember what I said about what dream did to me?"he started, I just nodded listening intently "I wanted to see him in prison one last time to prove... he has no impact of me anymore"

'Why did he hesitate? There's something more he wants to ask isn't there...'I thought to my self as I a let a comfortingly smile slide across my face

"If it's what you want to do and think it will help, I fully support your decision"I pulled tommy into a hug which he happily accepted

"I was wondering if you could wait outside for me until I get out?"he asked nervously pulling away from the hug and fiddled with his hands

"Of course I won't leave the outside of the prison until your out"I said with a smile

"W-what if something bad happens? What if he tries to attack? What if-"I put a finger up to his mouth stopping his rant before he spiralled into a panic attack as he started to cry

"If anything bad happens I will not leave and try everything in my power to get you out, you will know I'm just stay be outside no matter how long it takes for you to get you out"I reassured him

Once again tommy tackled me into a hug we stayed there for a minute before ghostbur talk

"y/n do you have any gear?" He asked tilting his head to the side slightly

"No, why?"I ask,moving my head to look at him

"I was given some for me but I don't need it, so I want you to have it"ghostbur had a goofy smile plastered across his face

Tommy got off me and we both stood took about 5 minutes to get into the netheright armour, it was glowing purple and it made a small amount of magic course through my veins. It had two slits in the back for my wings to fit through. I was also give some tools like a netheright sword, axe, shovel and a pick axe. Tommy eventually ran off saying he was going to do something to prepare for going to the prison later, which left me and ghostbur alone.

"What should we do?"he asked kicking a rock slightly

"Shall we go pick some flowers?"I ask he nodded frantically

He mumbled a 'quick follow me' and grabbed my hand and began to float with speed which in return made me run, as a smug smile creeped along my face and I lifted my wings up. I pushed the down quickly and jumped and we shot into the air as I held his hand. This made him let out a screaming now reaching for my other hand and I pulled him up closer to me and threw him up in the air and he landed in my arms bridal style, he immediately wrapped his arms around my neck holding on tight and buried his face into my shoulder still screaming before finally calming ish down

"Which way to go boss man?"I ask

"You've been hanging out with tommy too long"he shouted panic still evident in his voice"but just over there"

his finger pointed to a beautiful flower field filled with different colours/Color's.we slowly made are way down as I landed in a sprint with a chuckle as I continued to jump and glide around holding ghostbur tight eventually he started to laugh along with me a deep blue spread over his face. Eventually I slowed my pace and eventually stopped placing him down on the flower covered ground and we sat down doing some small talk to get to know each other more. Eventually a blue sheep slowly walked over to ghostbur and rubbed against him as ghost hugged him in return. I picked some blue and white flowers and weaved them together into a flower crown.

(I'm What it looks like)

I hid it behind my back, like a child hiding something from there parents, I crawled in front of him

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I hid it behind my back, like a child hiding something from there parents, I crawled in front of him

"Close you eyes and hold out your hands"I ask with a childish smile

He complied with the request and closed his eyes tight, put his hands out and smile more. in anticipation he ended up giggling then I finally put it in his hand.

"Ok open"I said as I sat there on my knees in front him

His eyes peeked open slowly and look at the crown before immediately putting it on his head

"Do you like it?"I asked with a small smile replacing the childish one I previously had on my face

"Yes it's beautiful"his voice was soft as he began grabbing a few flowers and intwining them like I did for his

At this point I lay down on the soft grass looking at the clouds as slowly walked along the sky I kept pointing out clouds not even realising the ghost smiling with a light blush on his face as he watched me,nor did I notice a certain man with red or blue glasses hiding behind a few trees with an equal amount of blush covering his face. Before running away,the steps making my ears twitch slightly

"I made you one"ghosts voice snapping me from my trance of the sky

I sat up and spun myself to face ghostbur as now my hair was slightly messier now. I looked at the crown it had f/c flowers lining it

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"Ghostbur it's beautiful"

Word count : 1042

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