Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 2~

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Remember that y/n is part enderman in the dream smp

Well I'm about to make it a living hell for them and make them and comfy

Also the spreed of this chapter go brrr

Not proof read

Y/N pov 1st person

I turn around to look at where the sound came from.

It was Ranboo he had ran under a smaller tree trying to hide from the rain.unlikely he was the only one without a hoodie so I took of all the stuff I had on me and I took off the hoodie and walked over to him

"Do you not like the rain?"I ask

"Yeah it makes me feel uncomfortable"he laughed awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck

"Take this"I say putting my hand out with the hoodie in my hand

"What about you?"he asked clearly worried because I might get a cold or something

"Don't worry I have a good immune system i won't" I say that was a lie it does but he didn't need to know that at this moment

"Ok then"he nodded before hesitantly reaching his hand over to mine

Ranboo took the hoodie out of my hand and pulled it over his head and put his arms though and pulled it over his head and pulled it down with the hood on his head

"That should be better"I mumble

After that I walked back over to my stuff I had dropped ok the floor before putting everything back on and holding the duffel bag and we all continued to walk

It was only a few minutes before the rain was pouring down,on my skin it felt like hot water was being poured on me with each drop that landed on my skin.It was incredibly uncomfortable which was strange because it never felt like that before but It was bearable

We continued to walk for another two hours it was still raining but it had slowed down slightly,there was now making me incredibly more uncomfortable but I managed to hide that feeling and continued to walk

We got to another clearing in the forest but it was only small clearing that was cut off most of the way by the back of a building.I stood there for a second and wiped some stray drops of water of my skin that was staying there making my arm burn even more than it had been

'Ah the plot convenience building'i though with a small chuckle the others just looked over to me in confusion

After that I turned a smaller amount to the left and continued to walk with the others following close behind

After about another few hours had past we had reach another building,it looked like an old run down office buildings.Looking around I saw a bug parking lot with a few cars most of there windows smashed on and there where even a few flipped over, the building looked about twelve levels high.It was a bland grey colour/color.There was surprisingly again no zombies which made me incredibly sus of this place but ranboo ran over to the building

Followed by tommy and Tubbo quickly after him to keep up with the taller male

A small smile placed itself on my face but it was immediately removed as there was a pain in my arm, Looking down at my arm expecting something but there was nothing there on my arm,then there was another pain on my face I could only imagine I looked like shit.

Sprinting I was surprisingly fast and I had to court up to them before they had even managed to get through the door,once they did I walked quickly in.I accidentally let a quiet sneeze

His eyes widened and quickly went to scold me

"You said you would be fine without the hoodie"he said running over to me

"I am fine"I replied

"This is not fine"he grabbed my wrist gently and put a hand on my head,he was leaning down and had his eyes locked into mine.

"Fine you have no temperature"he said slightly angry

"See I'm fine"I say shrugging my shoulders

"Yeah 'see your fine' but you said you wouldn't get sick but you might be"he said,he was clearly getting aggravated.maybe from the fact I lied to him about having a really good immune system

All I did was put a hand on his arm that was grabbing my wrist and gave him and empathetic look,he slowly released the grip on my hand and moved his arm down by his side repositioning for better posture his eyes looked away from mine

"Sorry"he mumbled clearly not meaning to grab my wrist that hard

I gave him a slight nod before looking over to tommy and Tubbo,they where looking around around the room incredibly curiously.I just stood there as ranboo walked over to them and looked around as well

"If you want to look around you should probably do it on the third floor"I saw with a smirk on my face seeing them walk around that way

"Sure"Tubbo said

"Last one there's not poggers"Tommy shouted sprinting to the door which I assumed had the stairs well inside

"Hay you cheater"Tubbo screamed chasing after

"Not fair"ranboo said following close behind

I immediately sprint following ranboo and Tubbo closely from behind,we got to the stairs and tommy was already up the first set I jumped up 2 steps at a time quickly catching up to his because he was only doing two steps, each step I took my mind was thinking of the perfect time to do a small amount of Parkour to get past him, there was a small opening in the stairs that if I jumped up and climbed face I would be able to make it past him.

So that's what I did I jumped grabbing onto the metal and put a foot on the railing and flung myself up to the next floor then the next and then finally the last one,pulling myself over the railing again I ran into the door and opened it


Word count no one asked for: 1046

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