Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 6~

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Sorry for the long wait

Actually proof read not good though sorry

Y/N pov 1st person

After they talking/arguing about different stuff I tuned them out after putting the duffel bag down in the back along with my backpack

Other than the boys the woods had some what ominous vibe to them.there was no nothing.only my quite breathes and slight thump of my heart beat is all that could hear...

Philzas pov 1st person

We had finally got To the front of the portal that let us into the other world called the dream smp

I walked slowly with Wilbur into it a blinding black covered my vision as we stepped through after three  seconds my vision came back Wilbur was now gone and ghostbur was sitting on the grass clearly waiting for me

"Phill!"he said jumping up and floating to me

"Hay mate"I say attempting to hug him but my hands just went through him which made him shiver and I just let out a disappointment sigh

"Where's the others?"he asked

"They didn't make it will"I responded disappointedly

"Did you check the emergency communicator?"he said slightly worrying but attempting to hide it

"My What?"I reply

"Like this"he pressed his communicator and a holographic board came up.there where everyone here on it and he clicked tommy and typed 'tommy?'

There was no response at first he typed again

'are you ok?'

He panicked and called him

Y/N pov 1st person

I had gotten back into the conversation when there was a buzz I looked over to the others and they where looking around as well then another buzz we continued to look when a large amount I've buzzes came from Tommy he held out his wrist and what looked like a holographic watch appeared he immediately pressed something on it and a bit hologram of what looked like a call with someone called ghost bitch?

He answered

"Tommy!" The person spoke first

"Ghostbur how did you do this we are out side the smp!?"he shouted in confusion

At this point I stopped listening because it sounded like he knew of this person called 'ghostbur'.I continued to lead us through the woods making small turns

about an hour had past and I had managed to find another path which I continued to fill .Turing back to the others in the cart they  where still talking but now there was a different man on the hologram that looked like the description that they had given me for a man called philza that they all referred too as dadza,so I started to listen again

"Phill we ok"they all said in there own different way

"No offence but... How have you managed to survive this long!?"he shouted clearly panicking

"We met someone who helped us"Tubbo said excitedly

"We are almost there just another day or two"I said make them look up

"Who is that?"the person said

"That's y/n they helped us"ranboo said turning Tommy's wrists around and showed me

I just waved and gave a awkward smile

"Don't worry phill I will get them back safe"I say with a smile as adjust my Hold on the reins so I could turn back mor comfortably

"How do you know my name?"He asked

"They told me a lot about you and how your there 'dadza'"I used air quotes I turned back around after that and they where talking about me and how I helped them this made me cringe and I heard foot step which made everyone go quiet as I just reach for my axe ready for anything/anyone

Soon there where multiple foot steps that sounded like they where running I immediately stopped the horse and got off looking in the direction of the noise walking away from the cart slowly as well

"y/n what's the matter?"Ranboo asked Tommy had turned around the 'camera thing' to face me at this point

Just as the final words left his voice six zombies sprinting in the direction of the other making me pull out the axe and swung it at there heads making two of them fall to the ground limp

"Hay"I shouted making the zombies turn around and get there attention making them sprint at me I swung the axe again decapitating another zombie,one of them jumping at me and I dodged out of the way and stomped on the head of it making some blood go over my face I used the back of my axe handle to smash through another zombie coming from the side.the other zombie came from behind and made another deep cut in my shoulder making me grab the arm and fling it over my shoulder onto the other zombie that laid limp on the ground and I let my axe fall on its head

I stood there heavily breathing for a bit before I pulled the axe out and looked I looked over to the others who at this point where standing up I saw another zombie behind Tommy sprinting

"Duck now"I shout and they all practical drop to the sober of the sides of the cart as the zombie jumps over the top of them and lands on the floor at my feet making me stomp it's head and like the others it laid limp on the ground

I was still heavily breathing but less this time I put the axe in the holster and at this point they had stood up again and where looking at me with awe

"You need to stop being so cool"Tommy said making me laugh slightly

I Rolex my eyes before walking back over to the saddle and pulled myself up and sat down in it.moving into a more comfortable position and grabbed the rein

I moved the rein In My hand to make it more comfortable ,and the others actually sat up now I lifted it up in the sun and with a swift motion pulled it down and we where off again


Word count no one needs/wants:1032

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