Chapter 4:parting ways ~part 2~

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A/N sorry for the long time to update

Also proof read

Y/n pov 1st person

"I'm just curious"I started "you know what never mind"I say completely ending the conversation as Tommy and Tubbo start another conversation about animals

When I came across a weird portal thing

"THATS IT!"Tommy shouted,pointing at it and l pulled the reins making the bourse stop and they all jumped out followed by me slowly after them

3rd person

All three of them practically ran to the portal and stood in-font of it then looked at y/n to see that they where still in the same spot they got of the horse and hadn't moved just looking at the 3 boys

"y/n?"Tommy muttered finally understanding the situation

"Yes Tommy this is where we have to part ways now"y/n says still swaying a bit

The adrenaline had finally started to where of

"Come with us"Tubbo said slightly sad but with a hint of excitement

"Yeah you could stay with one of us until we build you a house"ranboo added

Y/n thought about it for a minute when they realised that if they didn't go they wouldn't be able to make sure that the three where going to be fine

"I don't have anywhere else to go"y/n said with a sly smile

The three practically cheered when they heard this

Y/n 1st person

The world started to spin slightly as I felt my eye lids got heavier and heavier but I grabbed my stuff and stumbled over to them making them have a look of slight concern for me

First was tubbo and ranboo then me and Tommy as we stepped in the portal the world started to spin frantically making it incredibly harder to keep my eyes open then it went dark before I could see again

Talking a step out the portal I looked around at this new area and a huge pain went through me making me drop the things I was holding on to the ground.on my wrist with this hologram and it was showings these hearts that where going up slowly and there was 9 boxes in four rows my axe and all of the stuff I had been carrying disappeared from the ground and reappeared inside the boxes except the food and water

I look over to them Tubbo had small ram horns on his head and was wearing a completely different outfit then what I gave him with ranboo was a significant amount taller than before and was wearing the suit and tie his skin was now black and white with Tommy now was the same clothes as well but there where all wearing this purple metal armour and was holding swords made with the same metal.

Once the hearts filled up all the way the pain disappeared

"What is this?"I asked concisely pointing at this thing on my wrist

"That's your communicator and your inventory"ranboo said

we where greeted by a ghost looking person that was wearing a bright yellow turtleneck with a red slash across there chest and they where slightly see through.they ran fast towards us and jumped trying to hug the three

"Tommy,Tubbo,ranboo!"they shouted with a slightly echoey voice,they attempt to hug them but the ghost just faded though them making they fall to the ground and just sit there

This made me walk over to the small ghost and offer a hand out which they hesitated but happily took it and once they touched my hand and didn't faze through me they jumped back a bit

"I can touch you!"They said incredibly happily jumping up and hugging me

The ghost was cold but I didn't mind it seemed like they hadn't been able to feel anyone in a while so I just hugged back with the same amount of pressure as they did to me but I felt something different on my back so I turned around and saw these massive wings that where red I screamed

they pulled away and pulled out some blue substance

"Have some blue calm yourself"they said and handed it to me

"I have wings and why is some of my skin pitch black"I said frantically then I realised I was significantly taller

The ghost immediately put the blue substance in my hand and I let it sit in my hand and it immediately went black so I dropped it on the floor not really know what to do

"Are you ok?"the ghost asked with a sad and concerned tone

"Why wouldn't I be other than I have wings and black skin"I asked in confusion now with a lot less concern

I don't know what that blue thing was but it made me feel incredibly tired my eye started to close as I stumbled forward and collapsed onto the ghost the last thing I remember was shouting before everything went black

3rd person pov

"Y/N!"tommy screamed running over to him

"What happened!?"ghostbur shouted panicking "Phill could help" He then started floating with incredible speed. y/n limp body holding him bridal style which was surprisingly difficult because of his wings

Once they reached philza they say him walking along the prime path

"Phill help!"ghostbur shouted

"What happened?"philza shouted back while running over to the ghost

"I don't know he just passed out"ghostbur said clearly distressed

Philza pressed a button on his communicator and it showed y/n hearts and they where full

"They look tired, probably fell asleep. let's bring them to a house"with that the trio finally reach phill and ghostbur

"We can bring them to my house"tommy stated this time ghostbur followed them slower than last time

Once they got to Tommy's house they later down y/n on a spear bed tommy had

A while past and the three minors didn't leave the side of the other hybrid that lay on the bed looking,for the first time peaceful.all the other time his expression was ether a focused concerned of determined,but seeing him like this sleeping peacefully for what seemed like the first time in a was nice to see him with no worry or concern,just focusing on the rising and falling of his chest to make sure he was still breathing

They stayed like this for a while every now and then phill would bring them some food as they hadn't moved from there positions for a while



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