Chapter 3:the long Journey home ~part 1~

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Time for the characters to feel bad for y/n 

(Don't start song yet)

proof read but still any spelling mistake or word wrong pls tell me in the comments and I will fix it. I'm currently going to go through all the chapters and gramma checking them but I'm still not the best

Y/N pov 1st person

It was a while after tommy had had his nightmare I had just been sitting on the grass as the sun started to rise because there was light braking through little crevasse in the tree tops,the fire at this point had become small enough it's didn't need to be supervised.

I moved over to the closest tree to me and leans against it I closed my eyes and tried to slowly fall into a light sleep so I could hear small noises,I never understood how I managed to do this it just was something I was able t do since I was young

Eventually I let my consciousness slip away

Ranboos pov 1st person

I woke up leaning against a tree with tommy and Tubbo on the floor there was a small fire that was lit,as I looked around more I saw Y/N laying there against a tree with tommy cuddling his leg and his eyes closed

I was surprised I managed to remember there name it usually takes a while to remember stuff but for some reason it was easy to remember there name

I sat up from leaning on the tree and sat there in silence for a bit before Tubbo slowly started to wake up.

He sat up and looked around as we'll before looking at me

"how did we get here again?"he said with a very tired morning voice

"We walked here then you past out"I say bluntly

H looked away from me and looked at tommy who was laying peacefully cuddling Y/Ns leg,Tubbo put an arm on him and shook him

"Tommy"he shout whispered to him,This made him shoot up from laying down

"What's the matter"he said loudly sitting up rushing the older male a bit

"Shhh"Tubbo put a finger on his own mouth

Tommy looked over to Y/N

"Wow Y/N looks like shit"he said making me and Tubbo laugh a bit

The more I looked at Y/N the more I could see the lack of sleep in his face,they had dark bags under there eyes

"How much sleep so you think they got?"I ask

"Well when it was around three am I woke up because... of a reason and he was still awake and when I went back to sleeps at around four he was still awake"Tommy said with a slight looks of empathy on his face

"We should probably let them sleep" Tubbo said rubbing his eyes,to remove any sleepy dust that was there over night

Me and tommy nodded are head

We sat there for about ten minutes whispering quietly se we didn't wake up Y/N,but it was only for a bit before Y/N woke up and sat up running there hand through there h/l hair

Y/N pov 1st person

I had woken up a bit ago from hearing voices but then I released it was ranboo tommy and Tubbo they where talking about me and the little sleep the estimated I had gotten I heard there hole conversation

I've never liked other people sharing sympathy for me,it makes me feel like I'm a burden like I'm pathetic

(Small a/n. If you think like this remember you are not and if you want to talk about stuff you can always dm me on Wattpad and I can try to help make you feel better)

After a while I opened my eyes and sat up,I released my hair probably a mess so I let my hand go slowly through it taking out a few knots

Eventually I moved closer to my backpack and picked up some canned food and placed it near the fire to heat it up

(Play the song up the top)

After about five minutes I was sitting there watching the small fire,the others where talking but at this point I was zoning out and not listening.I known this from a young age i zone out a lot I was thinking of a song and I started to hum the beginning before singing quietly to myself

"All my style"

"All my grace"

"All I tried to save my"

"face All my guts,try to spill"

"All my holes,try to fill"

"All my money been a long time spent"

"On my drugs,on my rent"

"On my saving philosophy"

"It goes,one in the bank, and the rest for me"

"It goes, all my troubles on a burning pile"

"All lit up and I start to smile"

"If I,catch fire then I change my aim"

"Throw my troubles at the pearly gates"

"Oh, oh oh oh, oh oh oh oh oh~"

I stopped singing and looked up at the others to see that they had stopped talking and where looking directly at me there they where all in awe

"Your voice is so beautiful"Tubbo said,this made me have a light blush of embarrassment spread faintly across my face I pulled my knees up and put my head In between them and rapped my arms around them

They continued to to complement me before I came out of my cocoon that I made and moved the food way from the fire and moved one for each of them I only put three for them because I could eat something later

After a small amount of time later they had finished the food and we had put all are stuff on and I looked at the map and we continued to walk in the direction to get these guys back to there home

It was about an hour of walking later and I felt a small drop of water land on my nose it made my nose slightly uncomfortable so I wiped it off and pulled up my hood on the f/c hoodie I was wearing

The trees started to clear a small amount allowing more little drops of water to fall through,we continued to walk the rain started to get heavy and my thoughts where cut off by a sound of a human screaming


Word count no one asked for: 1095

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