Chapter 25: Lost

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Amelia's head began to spiral. She was angry but wasn't sure who was causing it. It was supposed to be her grandfather for she dearly wished every word of what he uttered was a lie. She has spent whatever she remembered of her life pitying her mother and now coming to the terms that her mother was wrong seemed unimaginable. Her heart raced and so did her feet. With no plans on what to do next, her feet took her to her father's house.

She wasn't sure how to look at him anymore. If not for the vengence and hatred that she nurtured for her father, she wasn't sure who she was.

Her eyes welled up as she stood at the entrance staring at the house. Her heart was still trying to soak in the truth. She wished she never knew the truth for life seemed much simpler without it.

So what does this all mean to her, she wondered. Her mother had cheated on her father and abandoned Amelia. Her father had kept this from her all these years. And Amy was her half-sister. As realisations hit, the feeling of being choked became stronger.

In desperate need of help, she made her way to the door.

"Amelia!" her father cried in shock as he rushed to her side. "What happened?" he demanded.

She looked dishevelled. Fresh tears were still rolling down.

"Did Bennet hurt you? I warned the bastard I would kill him if he even hurt your hair-"

Without a word, Amelia walked to her father's study. Emma and Amanda stood back looking bewildered. Lord Nicholas followed. Once he entered the study, Amelia closed the door turning the locks.

Finding her voice with great distress, she asked, "Why didn't you tell me? Why did you hide?"

For the first few minutes, confusion prevailed on Lord Advent's face. It quickly switched to surprise and sympathy. She hated it, she hated the look of pity.

"Amelia- How did you! I am sorry, I didn't want you to get hurt."

"You have no right. All those years I thought... When did you find out?" she asked sternly, wiping away the tears that seemed to never stop. She was trying to prepare herself to know everything.

"Amelia..." Nicholas hesitated.

"Just tell me!" Amelia screamed.

"When Amanda was born."


"I read her letter to her lover accidentally. She confessed she never wanted to marry me, but her father forced her to. But when she got pregnant with Amy, I could no longer forgive her."

"Was it that night she pleaded you to understand her love and not to divorce her?"

"What! How did you know?"

"I was there listening to your angry outburst."

"Oh my God! Amelia, I am sorry, I never knew!"

"I thought it was you who hurt her. I thought you hated her for not giving you a son. I thought she died because of your indifference. I hated you, I hated you for never loving my mother, I hated that you were happy when she was not," her resolve broke with a fresh set of tears.

"Amelia, I am sorry. I knew you loved her. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. You were just nine when it happened."

"Why didn't she want a divorce? It would have been less embarrassing than to elope."

"Amelia, I am not defending Elana. But she was weak, she didn't have your courage. Her father was a very strict and cruel man. She feared his wrath."

"She had enough courage to cheat and elope. Did she ever love us? Ever love me?"

"Amelia, I am sorry." Nicholas wanted to come close and hug Amelia, but he feared if his daughter would ever accept his care. His heart ached seeing Amelia's shattered self.

"Did you help her escape?"

"Amelia, how did you-"

"Just answer me."

Nicholas let out a long breath and said, "She got caught by Lord Paulen when she eloped. I let her go on one condition that she never returns."

"Does anyone else know?"

"No, but Amelia please don't tell Amy or Amanda. I don't want them to be hurt."

Amelia got the answers she wanted to know, but it didn't give her any reprieve; she was more hurt than before. She turned to leave.


"Please don't," Amelia cut him off, she didn't need the consolation. Not now, not ever.

AN: Triple update, scroll on

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