Chapter 17: Loathe

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Amelia was shocked to hear that Antony went missing the day before his wedding. His blood-stained shirt was found the same day. Antony's body was unrecognisable when they found it after a three-week search, the only identification was the engagement ring in his hand.

Amelia did not feel sorry for Antony that he died just before his wedding nor for his bride who adorned as a widow even though she never got married.

No! She was angry. That fool! After what she did to save him, he still managed to get himself killed. Didn't she tell him not to get into a fight when he can't win. Did he listen, now he is dead, that idiot! No, what she felt was not just anger, it was loathing.

Antony was awarded with the Victorian cross, the most prestigious award for gallantry in the face of an enemy. He was the first dead man to receive the award.

What is the use of gallantry, when you were shot dead just before your wedding, he could have been a coward and lived, Amelia thought wryly.

She couldn't throw away his kerchief. The one he used to stop the bleeding in her neck. They had become friends sortoff. Even though she usually scowled at him, he had made it a point to dance with her at every ball. He once even offered a crown to share her thoughts when she refused to do it for a penny.

Star crossedजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें