Chapter 2: Soulmate

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Antony doubted Mr. Sterling for passing insider information to Russia and the General agreed that they needed intel on him. This ball would be an ideal time to scope his house.

He got off his horse and followed Lady Smith into the ballroom. She was accompanied by two ladies. He knew everyone in London but didn't recognize the two new ladies. One was an extremely attractive brunette with piercing green eyes and the other was clearly her mother.

"Remember the London rules!" said the mother sternly.

"Yes mama," she said in a bored voice that carried a hint of mischief.

Antony made small talks for an hour whilst keenly observing the surroundings. He surreptitiously slipped into personal quarters when the guards were not watching.

Mr. Sterling owned an impressive collection of antiques. Wooden carvings and ivory crafts lined the hallway. He hurried to the door in the far corner which appeared to be Sterling's study.

In his hurry Antony didn't notice the booby trap; a thin card was tied at waist height, which on pull noted the security. Antony realised his mistake in a split second and took cover behind a large suit of armour.

He spotted the beautiful brunette again, walking in his direction glancing at the wooden carvings with interest.

A man emerged silently behind her drawing a knife softly. The brunette was oblivious to her surroundings as she examined the carvings and muttered to herself.

Antony cursed, if the girl gets hurt it would be his fault. He took his revolver and aimed at the man ready to kill him if he attacked her. He wished it wouldn't come to that.

"What are you doing here?" asked the man sternly, hiding his knife behind his back.

Antony looked in horror as he realized the man was Mr. Sterling himself. Killing Sterling in his house would complicate things. Antony racked his brains to find a way to extricate the girl unharmed. Mr. Sterling did have the power and money to cover up a murder without a trace.

"I was just hid-" she stopped and said, "I came across the wooden carvings and couldn't resist looking more."

On the word "hide", Sterling drew the knife holding it ready to slit her throat, but the brunette had already turned her back. She seemed too amused by the carvings. Sterling was weighing the risks of killing her and his doubts were keeping her alive.

"Thanks for having me here, Mr. Sterling. I always wanted to see Rosso's real work. I have only seen painted copies in books."

She stood there and described the various details about the carving and moved to the next item triggering another booby trap. Few more guards rushed in ready with weapons drawn, but Mr. Sterling motioned them to stand down.

"You are?"

"Frances, Frances Hill."

"Miss. Hill this is priv-"

Before he could finish she moved quickly. The minutes froze. Sterling tensed and brought the knife towards her. Antony removed the safe and was ready to pull the trigger.

She turned around and smiled innocently seeing the knife moving in her direction. Without so much as a blink, she took hold of the knife that was about to stab her, a manoeuvre Antony considered impossible. Muttering thanks, she sliced the apple into four.

"Did she move so fast to take a bloody apple?" Antony scoffed in his head.

Then the absurdity of the scene sunk in. He thought he was going to be the hero and save the damsel in distress. But it looked like he could learn a trick or two from her.

If there was ever a time Antony would have got caught in all his years of espionage this was it. The urge to laugh out loud was overwhelming. Antony has never seen anyone borrowing a fatal weapon to cut fruit.

Sterling looked stunned. Frances twirled the knife, he tensed.

"You have good taste, look at the intricate design of this ivory handle!" she exclaimed, examining the knife closely.

"Perhaps I should take you back to the ball," suggested Sterling, holding his hand out for the knife.

Frances placed her gloved hand in his instead and allowed him to lead her out, still examining the knife.

Antony contemplated proceeding to Sterling's study today after all. He slipped back into the ball and set about searching for Miss. Frances Hill.

His heart began to thunder, everything slowed down. He didn't have to look around to know she was there. The one his heart and soul burned for; the one who gave him sleepless nights; the one who sent everything looking dull with her radiance.

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