Chapter 9: Annoyance

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The sight of Lord Nicholas Advent mollycoddling his second-wife Emma was turning Amelia irate.

Amelia hated her father with every fibre of her being. How could he marry a woman who is just five years elder than his daughter? She hated the tramp for luring her father and keeping him blind with what they called 'love'. Her father spent every waking minute with that deceitful woman while he had none for her mother, cursed Amelia. To add to her bubbling hatred, her sisters have started calling the woman, 'mama'.

Amelia believed both were too young to remember how horrible their beloved papa was to their mother. The memory of their mother begging Lord Advent to understand her love and him accusing her of not fulfilling the wife's duty stayed fresh in Amelia's mind. "Was not giving birth to a son such a crime that her mother had to suffer such fate?" Amelia kept repeating in her head.

Lord Advent was now being so caring and concerned with Amy but he never even wanted to look at her till she turned two. He refused to mourn for their mother.

"Lady Amelia, young Miss. Evans has come to visit you," said Jeffris interrupting Amelia's thoughts.

"Please show her to the rose drawing room Jeffris," Amelia said.

"Of course, Miss."

Amelia opened the door to the drawing-room and felt a sudden spurt of anger on spotting Emma seated along with Amanda and Amy. They were talking so animatedly that they didn't notice her.

"I like the double Dutch braid you did earlier, it looked so good," exclaimed Amy.

"No, it makes me look like a child. I like the crown braid more," said Amanda.

"No, Dutch braid."

"Crown braid."

Emma intervened, "Why don't I do dutch braid for Amy and crown braid for Amanda."

Both looked mollified as they said in unison, "Okay Mama."

"Mama, can you make me churros again?"

"I will ask the cook to make it today, Lady Amy. It's not appropriate for the duchess to work in the kitchen," said Mrs. Dennis, their head housemaid.

"No, I like the way Mama does it," whined Amy.

"Of course, I will make it, Amy dear," said Emma, kissing Amy's cheek.

They only noticed Amelia when Lilly Evans joined them.

"We just decided how to style our hair for my friend's birthday dinner," said Amanda.

"Welcome Lilly," greeted Emma.

"Lady Advent," Lilly curtsied.

"Please call me Emma," said Emma for the tenth time.

"Let's head to my room," Amelia said while pulling Lilly along before she could respond.

"Are you alright?" Lilly asked correctly, interpreting Amelia's mood. She was Amelia's only friend and who knew her side of the story. Amelia just let out a long suffering breath.

"Shall I ring for some tea?" Amelia asked, changing the topic.

"Yes, please."

"How is your practice coming along?"

"Please don't even mention the words practice or music, I might throw up. My aunt made us play for the hundredth time before she deemed us tolerable. I am going to throw my harp away if she makes us do this again," Lilly complained.

"I would say you got it easy."

"What do you mean?"

"Your cousin Daniel, poor thing is playing the flute!"

"Oh yeah! I am happy that I decided to learn the harp."

Both of them giggled happily.

"My mama is inviting you to the musical, I will be happy if you come."

"I wouldn't miss it for the world."

There was a knock on the door and Amelia morphed her face immediately into a scowl. A handmaid came in carrying a tray ladened with tea and freshly baked cake.

"This cake tastes delicious! I am going to whisk away your cook, I could eat this cake all day," commented Lilly with her mouth full as she moaned happily for each bite.

Amelia nodded, refusing to remove her mask of deep disappointment.

The maid giggled and said, "I don't think you could do that, Lady."

"What are you jibbering about?" asked Amelia, having no patience to be polite.

"Sorry, My Lady."

"Tell me why or consider yourself fired," she threatened.

"Please forgive me, I meant no disrespect. The cake was made by the Duchess for Lady Amy."

"Out! Get out now!" Amelia yelled..

The maid rushed out immediately. Amelia stared at the poor piece of cake with so much loathing that it seemed she wanted to set it on fire with her eyes.

Lilly was baffled with moral conflict. She now will have to choose between her best friends versus the world's best cake. Contemplating the odds of infuriating her best friend, she slowly inched towards the half-eaten cake. Still luck failed her as Amelia's sharp glare suddenly turned to her. Lilly looked up to spot a single tear running down Amelia's cheek.

She immediately put a comforting hand on Amelia and moved closer, "I know you don't want to hear this from me, but Lady Emma seems like a good person. She is kind to your family. Dear, you don't have to act coldly to everyone in your life just to get back at your father. Maybe it's time to bring down that wall you've built around yourself."

"You want me to forget how my mom suffered?"

"No, I just want my friend to be happy."

Amelia knew that her reasons for lashing out on Emma were weak. It was true that Emma has been very loving to her sisters. However, she was too forgone to turn around now.

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