Start from the beginning

"What would he say if he was awake right now?" Katsuki asked, grabbing her cheeks to make her look at him. She sniffled. "Th-that I should stop blaming my-" "That you should stop blaming yourself! You can't stop a car crash okay? You did what you were supposed to, you found him and got him out early, you saved him." "From something that I basically caused." Katsuki gave her a strict look. "You know that's not true. Tell me to my face that you know it Y/n."

She looked into his red eyes, but she couldn't say it. So she shook her head. Katsuki sighed and hugged her, placing a chapped kiss to her forehead. "You'll understand someday." He whispered into skin. After standing for around 30 minutes, a doctor walked towards them to update him on Benji's current state. "Miss. L/n?" "Yes." Y/n replied instantly. She stood in front of the doctor with Katsuki standing behind her, his hand steadying her by her waist.

"We're moving Mr. Miller to the surgery room now, but.." He trailed off, making Y/n's eyes widen with anticipation. Katsuki squeezed her side lightly to try and calm her breathing down. "I'm afraid that since he obtained major injuries to his spine, pelvis and legs he.. Will most likely be paralysed from the waist and below." The doctor explained. Katsuki motioned for him that Y/n couldn't take any more information rationally and the doctor nodded. "I'll.. send a nurse to inform you when you can visit Mr. Miller."

Katsuki helped Y/n fall back into the chair behind her, telling her to breathe and trying his best to keep her sane. "Holy shit.. Your hands..." He muttered when he tried to hold her hands and discovered the scratches. "Give me a second princess, I'll go-" "No nurses. They're busy enough.." She croaked. He sighed. "Alright. I'll go ask for a first aid kit and help you myself. How's that?" Y/n nodded, giving him a weak fake smile. He knew it was fake, he could tell apart her real and fake smiles in his sleep, but he appreciated the effort and placed a small kiss on her hand before leaving her alone to find a kit.


A voice spoke from behind Y/n as soon as Katsuki left the room. It made her jump, but she loosened up when she realised that it was Venom. She had her hair tied up in a bun and her hair in a hair net. A mask covered her pale face but Y/n could recognise her eyes anywhere. "What are you doing in here?" Y/n whispered. "I came to warn you. There's a traitor in your midst. We don't know who but this.. Might not have been an accident. So be careful. I have to go now, but Phantom is trying to hack into the street's security cameras to find out what happened."

She left the room, leaving Y/n completely bewildered. Not an accident? "Why are you standing up? Sit down, you'll get dizzy.." Katsuki scolded when he saw Y/n standing with a deep frown on her tear-and-blood stained face. "Oh.. Right." She hummed, her voice distant. He shook his head, kneeling beside her and taking her hand in his to disinfect her wounds. When the disinfectant touched her skin, she flinched. "Sorry.." Katsuki said, pausing his ministrations to give a second to breath.

"It's okay.." She murmured, biting back a pained moan. Katsuki nodded, and he continued to disinfect and bandage her palms. "You're a very strong person, you know that right?" He spoke up suddenly while packing the medical supplies up. "What?" "It takes loads of guts to break your best friend's legs to save them, it's not something you do every Tuesday and it sure as hell isn't an easy feat. You did well, stop beating yourself up for this." He said. She looked down. "I guess.."

After around 2 to 3 hours of Y/n and Bakugou sitting quietly while holding hands, a nurse came into the room, motioning for the two to follow her. She took them into the room where Benji was lying on a white hospital bed with a tiny smile on his face. "Hey.." He croaked. She stood next to him, with Katsuki keeping his space and standing at the doorway to allow the two to talk to each other.

"Hi.. How do you feel?" She asked, her voice slightly above a whisper. "Very high." He responded, making her smile for a second. "Benji.. I'm-" "I already know that you're going to apologise, but you shouldn't because this crash wasn't your fault. The doctors told me what happened, you saved me. I was yelling at you over the phone but you were still the first one there for me when I needed you." "You were yelling at me for being a shitty friend Benji, and now you're.. Paralized because of me." Benji gave Y/n an 'Are you serious' look.

"I was just feeling frustrated that you were putting everyone, including me, before yourself Y/n. You're my favourite person ever, and that's why I was upset. You've always been a great friend to me, and that was the problem, you kept forgetting about yourself." 'That's what I always say..' Thought Katsuki. "Besides, I've always wanted to break a bone before. And I don't need to walk to still be your 'man in the chair' right?" He joked. He was still joking even after all that. But it gave Y/n strength when she saw how he was still the same old Benji even after..

"Yeah, I helped you achieve your goal, didn't I.." She chuckled, making him laugh. "Oh you owe me ice cream since you decided to break my legs." He chimed with a dimpled grin. "Of course. Mint chocolate as usual right?" "Of course. Now go and let me sleep. And you sleep too, I know you, don't you dare pull an all-nighter." Benji said, shooing her off. "You, make sure she sleeps." He told Katsuki, who nodded.

When Y/n got up, Benji called out her name, making her pause. "Wait, Y/n.. what happened to the person I almost hit?" He asked. "What?" Y/n responded. "The car, I swerved it because I almost ran over a person that I didn't notice was there before. What happened to them?" He asked again, this time more confused. "Benj.. there was no one at the scene when I got there." Y/n explained, her eyebrows scrunched up with her own worries. "Oh.. weird. Must've ran off. Or maybe I hallucinated a person. I should sleep, I'm way too high on meds right now. Goodnight.."

"Goodnight Benji. C'mon Katsu.."

"We don't know who but this.. Might not have been an accident."

"Y/n.. what happened to the person I almost hit?"

A traitor huh..

'Katsuki said that I couldn't stop a car crash.. But I can definitely avenge it...'

𝘋𝘠𝘕𝘈𝘔𝘌𝘛𝘐𝘒𝘈//𝘒.𝘉𝘢𝘬𝘶𝘨𝘰𝘶 𝘹 𝘯𝘳.1 𝘙𝘦𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘳Where stories live. Discover now