Chapter 1 {EDITED}

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After that blinding light, I woke up groggily, trying to help myself stand. Contrary to my expectations of seeing hell, I only found myself in a void of white. I quickly sat up straight as I glanced everywhere, trying to find anything other than white.

".....Where am I? What is this place?" I muttered to myself. I stood up and patted my clothes. To my surprise, it didn't feel soaked with blood. I looked at my uniform to find it clean and pristine, as if my death never even happened. Am I--?

"Tsk, calm down. You're not in danger." A deep voice rang from behind. I swiftly turned my head to be met with the sight of a being, void of all color.

I only stared at him blankly, repetitively blinking my eyes and harshly rubbing them. After many pinches, I realized I wasn't dreaming nor was I in a coma.

Just what is going on here?

I was met with the same glare of light from before, and I squinted my eyes, covering them with my arm. I can't think straight with the light slapping my face.

"Alright, here." The kidnapper said while dimming the infinite void of light. A sigh of relief escaped my mouth as the once bright light didn't blare at my eyes any longer. Suddenly, the being spoke, a tone of uncertainty laced in their voice.

"Also, I'm what you mortals call a gad? Gudez?"

....Is he being for real?

"A god or goddess, you mean?" I asked, my eyebrows raised. For a being that's seemingly a god, they sure seem incompetent.

"Yes.... whatever that is. Anyway, you're interesting." They muttered, examining my body while looking deep in thought. Interesting....?

"In what way am I interesting?" I asked, curiosity taking over my logical senses. They kept their silence for a while, before replying.

"I'm not sure if I'm supposed to tell you that.... In the first place, I don't even think I can tell you that." They murmured, holding a hand to their chin with scrunched eyebrows. Suddenly, a thought entered my mind.

"Is there a filter blocking out information, perhaps?" I blurted out, saying it out loud. They looked at me wide-eyed, as if surprised.

"That's.... correct. As expected of the incarnation of #@$(&!, you're just as witty and perceptive as her." They remarked, a strangely impressed tone notable in their voice. The word was filtered as I assumed, making glitch and static sounds to make it completely incomprehensible.

There was an awkward silence, mainly because of me being unsure of how to respond. The only thing I could remember was "incarnation", and being compared to her in terms of mental capacity.

With no leads whatsoever, I decided to take the iniative of asking for an explanation.

"So... why am I here? I would've expected to be living the afterlife in hell or something."

"I... can't tell you much." They replied reluctantly, and I sighed exasperatedly in response.

"Is there even anything you can tell me?" I remarked, a sarcastic tone heard clearly. They glanced to the side, likely pondering whether to tell me what they know.

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