"I can literally see you following me, just get out of there" I uttered
"I'm just worried about you Quinn" Eunwoo walked towards me
"You don't have to, I can take care of myself and beat the shit out of people if I wanted to so just relax" I smiled
"You weren't able to beat the shit out of Dylan though" Eunwoo chuckled
"Shut up man, i was just chill that time but if he ever tries to hurt me again he'll get it" I laughed
"Yeah right" Eunwoo teased
"Whatever, i can even beat your ass" I playfully punched Eunwoo's arm
"I'd like to see you try" Eunwoo smirked
"Nah, maybe next time, anyways I'm home now so you can leave, go home dude" I replied
"Don't you want me to stay with you for awhile?" Eunwoo asked
"I'm good, just go home, see you tomorrow bye" I smiled patting his back
"Fine, i'll see you tomorrow Q, good night" Eunwoo replied as he kissed my forehead
"Yeah yeah just leave bye" I went in my apartment and closed the door.
"Why are you home late?" Yoongi suddenly asked
"Dude what the fuck, you startled me, I went to the movies, how was training?" I replied
"Okay, training was alright. Why didn't you tell me it was Dylan" Yoongi asked
"I just didn't want you to worry too much, it bothers me when i see you get worried" I replied
"Baby, of course I would be worried, I love you and I don't ever want to see you get hurt" Yoongi replied as he kissed me, it was the first time he went hard on a kiss, I pushed him
"W-Wait what's up with you? I prefer your gentle kisses more" I chuckled
"Who's a better kisser? Jungkook or me?" What did he just ask me
"W-what are you asking? why are you even asking that?" I let out a nervous laugh
"Just answer my question, who's the better kisser?" Yoongi gave me the looks
"Okay, i'm not going to answer that because it's uncomfortable" I replied
"Let me guess, you think Jungkook is a better kisser" Yoongi sighed
"Can we not talk about that, come on now" I sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder
"Okay then, i'll ask a different one but I want you to answer it honestly" Yoongi replied
"Alright then, ask me" I smiled
"If Jungkook asked you out before I did, would you have said yes to him?" Yoongi asked
"What?" I asked in shock
"Do you have feelings for Jungkook?" Why is he asking this questions
"No, JK and I are just friends and i'm pretty sure both of us made that clear" I replied
"It just seems that you like him more than me, you trust him more than you trust me, your boyfriend" Yoongi replied
"Jungkook is my bestfriend and you know that, you're my boyfriend and you're the one I love" I replied as I gently kissed him. We cuddled until we fell asleep and woke up early as well to eat breakfast and head to school together.
"We're getting near at school, someone might see us" I uttered letting go of Yoongi's hand
"It's early, no one is gonna see us" Yoongi pouted grabbing my hand
"We can hold hands later, i'm really worried that someone might see us" I replied letting go of his hand again
"Baby please" Yoongi pouted, he was so cute that I couldn't say no to him
"Jeez, i could never say no to you, alright then" I blushed as I grabbed his hand until we arrived at school. We parted ways as I went to the classroom first, we still didn't want anyone to notice that we're dating, I was worried about Kate, i still don't know what he's actually worried about though.
"Quinn, you're early" Via uttered
"Oh yeah, hey good morning" I greeted
"How are you?" Jin asked
"Me? i'm alright, why are you guys asking?" I asked
"Well, after finding out what Dylan did to you, we got really worried and he's also suspended because of what happened. Yoongi reported everything yesterday he was really furious. Is something going on between you two?" Jin asked
"Bro- I- wait he reported that shit?" I changed the topic
"Yeah he did, it was really brave and nice of him" Via replied
"Well, i mean Yoongi and I are pretty close so that was probably the reason why he reported everything" I replied
"You're right" Jin smirked
It seemed like he knew something about me and Yoongi and if he does I appreciate him for staying quiet about it.

After a while, classes started and I couldn't stop looking at Kate and Yoongi, why is she so clingy and shit i felt really annoyed and Jungkook noticed it.
"You look so annoyed, what's up with you?" Jungkook whispered
"I'm alright, this is just my face" I replied
"Okay whatever you say Q" Jungkook smirked
"What's with the smirk?" I squinted my eyes
"Why? do you find it hot or something? does it turn you on?" Jungkook let out that cocky smile
"Shut up loser" I chuckled
"What's so funny miss Davids? me. Jeon?" The professor caught us and made us stand up
"Nothing ma'am" Jungkook uttered
"Okay sit down, and pay attention" The professor replied
"I got us" Jungkook winked

After our classes, we all ate together and it was such a bummer that Kate was basically glued to Yoongi and I couldn't do anything about it.
"Quinn are you okay?" Jungkook asked
"I'm okay" I smiled
"Wanna go out later? there's this new diner that opened and we can go there after training" Jungkook replied
"I don't know yet we'll see" I replied
"Come on Quinnie, please" Jungkook pouted
"Alright then" I smiled as Yoongi rolled his eyes, he's probably pissed off but I just didn't know what to do anymore.
"Yay, thanks Q you're the best" Jungkook winked
"I know right" I chuckled
"I gotta go, i remembered that i have some stuff to do" Yoongi uttered as he got up and left
"Wait i'll come with you" Kate added as she followed Yoongi, He probably got upset because of me, damn it.

After lunch, we went to our classes and Yoongi has been ignoring me the whole time, he was really pissed so I gave him space. I watched their training as well but he just ignored me, it really bothered me that he walked Kate home while I went out with Jungkook.
"Is something bothering you Q?" Jungkook asked
"No, i'm just tired" I replied
"You can tell me anything, we're best friends after all" Jungkook replied caressing my cheek
"It's nothing really, i'm just exhausted from school that's all" I smiled
"Oh i see, don't worry once we finish eating dinner, we'll take a cab instead of walking and it's on me even our dinner" Jungkook replied
"You don't have to, i'm alright" I chuckled
"I insist Q" Jungkook winked
"Yeah right" I laughed

After dinner, we went home and I noticed that Yoongi wasn't at his apartment, looks like he stayed at Kate's then. I felt really sad so I tried texting Yoongi again and unfortunately he's not replying. I tried calling him and he's not answering either. He even promised me that he'll never do it again and yet he did, i am so disappointed. I just started crying until I fell asleep, The next morning I woke up and got ready for school. Yoongi still wasn't home so I decided to walk alone, my eyes were really puffy from crying last night I just hope no one would notice.

hope you guys are liking the story so far! comments/dms/votes are highly appreciated💜

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