Pitter-Patter Raindrops ⋅ 1

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Grey clouds adorned the sky, and a cool breeze blew, brushing the strands of my hair as I walked towards my home. My grey bag is slung over my left shoulder. The canvas, brushes and paints weigh it down, making my shoulder feel sore.

Another gust of cool air hit my face, making me shiver lightly and regret not getting my sweater.

Clasped in my right hand was a bright blue umbrella. On the ready to be opened and defended against the cold droplets of rain.

The road is empty. Everyone was in the warmth of their homes. I had left the comforts of my home- to paint the landscape before the rain.

I had managed to capture it. From the cloudy skies to the gust of wind that rustled the leaves and the cold yet comforting essence of the scenery.

I was pleased with the result and stayed a little longer to complete the finishing touches. I hadn't realized how late it was getting or how close the grey clouds were until the fresh smell of earth wafted into my nose. Panicking, I had messily stuffed my belongings into my back and rushed down the road home within minutes.

Turns out, I shouldn't have rushed it. Because, ten minutes later, the rain still isn't here.

Just as I had finished that thought, the lightest droplet of water hit. I just jinxed my luck. I huffed.

Opening my umbrella and holding it over my head, I quickened my pace, hoping to reach home as soon as possible.

The rain was quick to pour down on me. Within the next two minutes, It was falling at an alarming speed, and the chillness settled on me, making me shiver. Trying my best to warm myself, I begin to jog, being careful of the puddle filled road; so as not to slip.

My shoulder-length, wavy, dark-auburn hair bounced with each step as I rushed down the road. The rain was coming down heavily, and the closest thing I can see is the first house on our lane. Narrowing my eyes at the blur before me, I try looking out for anything coming in the opposite direction.

Only eight more houses to walk past. I thought to myself, trying my best to warm myself up. A pair of black jeans and a thin cotton top were not ideal for this weather.

I continue on my way home. I tighten my hold on the umbrella as thunder booms. Holding it tightly, I push against the strong wind which rushes toward me.

Only halfway left, I think to myself, determined. I notice a silhouette of something. A monster?! Or even worse, zombies?! I knew I shouldn't have watched the horror movie with Isabelle yesterday night. I couldn't see very well with the rain beating down so heavily, but I think it was two people huddled together.

Too busy figuring out who it was; who was just as crazy as me, I forget that I'm standing right in front of them and need to move out the way. Curiosity sure gets the better of me.

The person, or should I say two, bump right into me. The two looked like twins. Come to think of it, the girl looked exactly like me, while the boy a male version of me. The same wavy, dark-red hair, the high cheekbones, to the same pale skin.

Both of them were dripping wet and shivering. No umbrella or sweater in sight.

"I'm sorry, we coul-" The boy began.

"C'mon Seb," the girl cut him off. Throwing me an apologetical smile, she dragged him away, both of them in a rush to get to cover.

The boy, 'Seb' was staring at me, probably realizing how he looked exactly like me.

Before I knew it, they had disappeared from my line of sight, leaving me wondering who they were...

Shaking my head, I realize my clothes are getting damp, my boots are filled with water, and I need to hurry

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