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Farnrik leaps forward, swinging his blade at Grievous, who easily blocks the attack.

Grievous swings his bottom left blade at Farnrik, who swings his blade down to hit Grievous's, stopping his swing. Grievous then launches his upper right blade straight for Farnrik's back, but Obi-Wan jumps in the way, blocking the attack.
Obi-Wan and Farnrik fight side by side, both playing defense, while Shineula sneaks around Grievous.

Farnrik waits until Grievous lifts his upper left arm for a swing, and he juts his blade out in an attempt to cut Grievous's arm off. Right before his attack hits, Grievous blocks it with his lower left arm, then swings the upper one downward. Farnrik ducks to the left, pushing Grievous's arm to make way for his dodge.
Grievous pushes back, overpowering Farnrik with just one arm.

Obi-Wan blocks an attack to his right, while ducking to the side of one from above. He quickly swings his blade to give it more momentum, slicing Grievous up the very edge of his right side. Grievous stops his blade before it can reach any higher and remove his arms, pushing it back down. His upper right hand begins spinning, before moving quickly to Kenobi's head. Kenobi brings his blade up to block, and his stomach is left open.

Grievous readies his blade for the kill, but Shineula ignites her blade.

Grievous quickly kicks Kenobi away while spinning to block an attack from Eula. He spins his blades around, before clamping hers between two of his, stopping her movement.

His lower left arm juts out suddenly, and Farnrik barely dodges, feeling the heat of the blade against his face. The lower right arm lurches around to hit Farnrik's right leg, but Kenobi blocks the blow by swinging his blade up from under Grievous's, before Grievous pulls his arm back towards Kenobi, who ducks under the blow.

Grievous pulls his upper right and left arm's back towards Kenobi and Farnrik, pulling Shineula along with them. She lets go of her lightsaber to set herself free, and Grievous takes this opportunity to lift his leg up, grabbing her torso and slamming her into the ground beside Kenobi, standing on her.
She yells out in pain as Grievous twists his leg, swinging his blade at Kenobi. She looks over and sees her lightsaber on the ground, and she holds out her hand to call it to her.

Grievous spins his upper left blade around, batting Farnrik's to the right, which then gets hit by Grievous's lower left blade, batting it back to the left, meeting the other blade again. Grievous pulls his arms together, pinning Farnrik's blade between his own. Grievous pushes back against Kenobi's blade until its right next to his face. He lefts his upper right arm, and tosses Eula to the side, catching her lightsaber in his left foot. He stands on one leg, igniting her lightsaber. Grievous swings his right arm down to hit Kenobi, but in a flash of blue light his hilt has been sliced clean in half. Holdan climbs to his feet, lightsaber in hand.

Grievous gives an angry grunt as he jumps back towards the wall, replacing his lightsaber with another green one from his waist. Shineula notices this, and force pulls another hilt from his waist, activating it. The four Jedi stand there for a moment, before Shineula sprints towards him. The instant she started moving, Grievous lept forward, batting her blade to the side with so much force it almost knocked her over, causing her to drop the lightsaber.

He lands right in front of Farnrik, causing him to stumble back. Grievous swings at him, and he leans back, still stumbling, and falls over. Grievous jumps up, aiming for Kenobi.

He knows it would be impossible to block an attack with the full weight of Grievous behind it, so instead he dodges to the side. Holdan runs at him with his blade raised in the air, hoping to cut Grievous's leg clean off. As soon as he gets close, Grievous tosses the lightsaber in his foot upwards, then shoots his leg out into Holdan's chest, sending him flying back. Grievous catches the lightsaber back in his foot and swings it straight at Kenobi, but Farnrik force pushes Grievous back, making him drop Eula's lightsaber. She holds out her hand, igniting the blade as it flies back into her hand.

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