Magna Duel

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I look back behind me as we run down the halls to see nobody behind me. Good. I'm moving a little slower than everyone else, but I'm not losing them.

My head whips back to the the others when I hear blaster fire, and I ignite my blade. I hear clanking behind me, and turn to see the hallway filling with droids.

"Crik." I say, holding my lightsaber towards them with one hand. "They're behind us!" I shout.

A few clones turn around and begin shooting at the droids, while I do my best to block the incoming fire. A shot flies past me and hits a Clone to my left, and he falls to the ground. I start walking towards them, drawing their fire.

"He's getting closer!" A Droid says.

"We outnumber him!" Another points out.

I spin my lightsaber around and hit a bolt at just the right angle to send it back to on of them, blasting his head off.

"It won't matter, he's a Jedi!" Another Droid states.

"Very good observation." I say, getting closer. "There's only five of you left!"

One of the droids looks around to confirm this, before hanging his head in sadness. "I was just about to be promoted . ." He says.

I pull one of them towards me, cutting his head off. I hold his body infront of me to block more blaster bolts, and after a few seconds launch the body towards them, knocking two over. Then I hear it. That terrible rolling noise. Two Droidekas roll up next to the last Droid, and then unfold. Their sheild comes up, and the clones fire is useless against it. One of them fires at me, and I deflect it towards the Droid who had just began shooting again.

"Come on, can't you just roll away?" I ask, getting closer to the one on the left.
Right as one shoots at me again, instead of blocking I duck under it and jump towards the left one, passing through his sheild. Before it has time to fire, I slice it clean in half, turning to face the other one. It shoots at me, and I jump way over the blast and towards the Droid, blocking while in the air.

I land behind it, and walk into its sheild, poking my blade through its head. It falls to the ground, and I rush over to the clone that got hit. He's sitting up, so that's a good sign.

"Hey, you're alright, right?" I ask.

"Yes sir." He says, being helped up by another clone. "Thank you for taking them out."

"No problem." I say. "Though, you should probably be in a more defensive position from here on out. I would say stay back with a medic and recover, but that's not exactly an option here."

"I understand commander." He says.

"You can call me (Y/N)." I say, holding out my hand.

He takes it and we shake.

"Understood, (Y/N)."

I glance out ahead of us, and the last Droid on their end has been dealt with.

"Everyone alright?" Master Farnrik asks.

"One of us got hit, but nothing too serious." I respond.

"Alright, then let's keep moving." Master Holdan commands.

As we walk forward, ready for another attack from behind, I glance over to the clone, holding his side.

"So, are you new to the Legion? I don't see any paint on your armor." I ask him

"Yeah, I only came in a few days ago, along with a few others." He says.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"CT-7286, sir." He responds.

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