Part 1

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"The Grammy for most played song goes to..." There was a pause, filled with anticipation as I clasped my hands together.
Along with BTS, Ariana Grande, Lil Nas, and Billie Elish, I was nominated too.
Part of me wanted to win but I was also an army, and I'd been voting for BTS all the way this year. I was confident that they would take home the 2017 Grammy- they had blown up massively this past year and it would be insane for them not to win.
  I was sitting a few tables from them and peaked a glance, I could see the members clearly excited. Some were holding each others hands, others were bouncing their leg up nervously.
  "Y/n L/n! With "Plot Line" !" The crowd cheered but my face was of pure shock when the camera came around. There was no way- I looked around at the other artists before shyly making my way to the stage. BTS had sold way more copies of their music this year than I had, sure I wasn't very far behind but this Grammy deserved to go to them.
I couldn't stop the small frown when I walked by their table on the way to the stage, peaking a glance at them. They all smiled and clapped but anyone could see they were still disappointed.
  Grabbing the mic, and Grammy I started my speech.
"Wow.." I paused, waiting for the crowd to quiet. "I didn't expect to win, if I'm honest." I paused. Quickly making a decision that could turn south depending on the public's reaction.
"This year has been insane, especially at the Grammys. We've had artists changing the game and making history. Megan thee stallion, Billie Eilish and BTS as just a few." I continued.
"Megan has changed the game for rappers, and been such an influential person and amazing black role model for everyone this year." I smiled and waved at her, she smiled back.
"Billie isn't even twenty and she has broken records and filled girls (and boys) around the world with the confidence to be themselves." I saw Billie shout and could hear an 'I love you'.
Finally I made eye contact with BTS. "Not to mention BTS, the first Kpop group to make history and not only perform at the Grammys, but be nominated for multiple ones. The hard-work and dedication of them is something I've never seen before, and I'm glad the Grammys are finally recognizing them." I broke eye contact, scared of their reaction.
"These are the artists who we should be watching, and who I bet are going to be standing up here next year with an arm full of Grammys. Thank you." I bowed and made my way back to my seat as the crowd cheered.
I ducked my head walking back in front of BTS, I honestly wasn't sure what they would think of me- if they even knew who I was.

I was disappointed when they never won a Grammy and by the end of the show I was more upset then I thought. "That wasn't fair at all." I muttered to myself, I was packing my things up from my table, most of the other celebs had left or were going to an after party. I just wanted to curl up honestly. I was sat at a table with some artists I wasn't familiar with, and while they had often talked to each other throughout the show, no one had bothered to include me in the conversation.

"Excuse me-" A voice came from behind me, I turned and felt my jaw drop- literally. Kim Namjoon and Jung Hoseok were standing in front of me.
"Uh hello" I said startled.
"Hi I'm Namjoon, this is Hoseok." He introduced as we all shook hands. "Ah yea- I know who you guys are." I said scratching the back of my head. "Im Y/n L/n it's nice to meet you." I brought my hands back together, nervously waiting for one of them to continue.
  "We wanted to congratulate you on your Grammy, and thank you for what you said." Namjoon carried. I slightly frowned. "No no please don't. Im not sure who's in charge of the Grammys but Im pretty sure everyone is shocked you didn't win any." I crossed my arms.
Just thinking of how unfair it was made me upset.
"If you look at the public/fan votes and the sales BTS had the highest in votes and sales over any artist here." I went on. "I'm sorry the Grammys hasn't realized how talented you guys are yet." I said bittersweetly.
The guys took a few seconds, Namjoon translated what I said to Hoseok quickly who looked taken aback.
"No no- your a very good artist." Hoseok said quickly. I smiled but shook my head.
Before I got a chance to respond the rest of Bangtan walked up behind Namjoon. Slowly forming a semi circle infront of me.
Yoongi said something quietly to them in Korean before introducing himself, the others following.
I just nodded and reintroduced myself as well. I wasn't really sure if bringing up the fact I was army was appropriate or not in this situation.
"Congratulations!" Jin said happily to me. I frowned. I really didn't deserve the Grammy like they did. Suddenly I came up with a plan, it would also be an excuse to not go to the after party today as well.
I picked up the Grammy and quickly grabbed a spare piece of cloth napkin. "Do you have a pen?" I asked any of them. Jimin raised a brow but passed me one. "Thank you!" I smiled at him.
I wrote a quick note, half in Korean and half in English before picking it up with the Grammy.
Handing Jimin the pen back I knew exactly what to do next.
I was sure if I passed this to Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok or Yoongi they would be able to react quick enough for my plan to not work. I settled on passing it to Taehyung who was the closest to me and quickly waved them goodbye, making my way out and to my car before any of them could click in.
They stood for a second in shock before Jimin and Namjoon went to try to follow you, the others looking at the note you left.

"Hi BTS! Please take this as a good luck charm. I'm sure by next year the Grammys will recognize your talent and you'll win your own. Once you have a shelf full of them you can return this one! (Or keep it if you'd like :) ) Fighting! Y/N L/N"

Half of it was written in Korean and the boys were astounded. "What are we supposed to do?" Taehyung asked. "Is she even allowed to do that?" Jungkook questioned.
Namjoon and Jimin came back, not being fast enough to catch Y/n.
"We'll have BigHit contact her and her managers I guess." Namjoon shrugged. He wasn't sure what to do in this situation either.
The seven gathered their things and left to the hotel.
Coincidently the same hotel as Y/n.

It was close by and had been reserved for a lot of the artists attending the Grammys, which meant it was safe from paparazzi and fans.

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