ch. 2

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[this entire chapter is a flashback.]

"felix! what's up, man!" the tall boy said with a smile as he opened the door to welcome his best friend in. felix entered the house, his eyes roaming around noticing all the drunk teenagers dancing around the room.

felix hated being around drunk people, they always acted childish and it annoyed him. he hadn't planned to come to the party today, but of course his best friend convinced him.

"hey, hyunjin! where's seungmin?" felix had to shout over the loud music. "i don't even know!" hyunjin shouted back, "i kinda lost him!" felix laughed at the elders words, as they both made their way further into the house.

"do you want something to drink? we have beer, or vodka if that's your kind of thing—"

"it's okay, jin. i don't like alcohol that much." felix smiled, hyunjin only nodding at his words. "so wh—"

"hey! don't touch that, it's expensive!" hyunjin yelled as he ran off in a random direction. felix sighed, as he was left alone. oh well, maybe some of his other friends are here. felix smiled and gasped when he saw one his other best friends in the kitchen.

"seungmin!" he shouted, squeezing his way past a couple making out and going into the kitchen.

"oh, felix! i didn't think you'd come!" seungmin said as he grabbed an empty party cup and filled it up with water. "where's hyunjin?" he asked when he noticed felix was alone.

"he ran off." the shorter shrugged, seungmin nodding at his words. "yeah, he seems to do that a lot." he said, making felix laugh.

"i'll be right back, i have to use the bathroom!" felix shouted, before he made his way down the crowded hallway, opening the door to the bathroom, walking in on a couple doing much more than just making out.

he gasped, and quickly shut the door. he shivered at the sight, shaking his head before tuning around and heading for the staircase. stepping over a couple making out, he made sure to knock on the door this time, before he opened door, sighing in relief at the sight of it being empty.

before he could even do his business, the door opened and a girl stumbled in. "oh.. my god." she slurred, pushing herself up and making eye contact with the boy standing awkwardly near the tub.

"so..rry—" cutting herself a hiccup, "i didn't realize someone was in here." the girl said with a laugh. felix awkwardly laughed, trying to slip his way past the drunk girl but before he could, she fell again and he caught her from falling to the floor.

"you're my... what's it called again?" she laughed. "oh! prince charming.. hah." she said, leaning closer to the boy. felix forced out another awkward laugh, gently pushing the girl off with a short apology, leaving the room before the girl could say anything else. he ran back down the stairs and into the kitchen, but seungmin was gone and hyunjin was only god knows where.

"you okay?" someone asked from behind him. he turned around to see a girl with bright pink hair, a red solo cup in her hand. felix gulped and nodded, but she only laughed. "you look like you've seen a ghost."

"here, i just poured this." she said, handing the boy the cup in her hand. felix handed it back with a grimace, "i uh, don't drink alcohol, sorry."

"oh, that's okay." the girl smiled, filling an empty cup with water from the tap. felix averted his eyes to the living room, where he could not see a single person he recognized. he sighed heavily, thanking the girl when she handed him the cup of water. "so what happened? you look so freaked out." she asked, sipping her own glass.

"nothing, a girl just walked in on me in the bathroom." felix said, "it just freaked me out a little." he said with a small chuckle. "have you seen hyunjin anywhere, by the way? i've been looking for him since i came here." he asked, rubbing his eyes when his vision went blurry for a few seconds.

"yeah, i saw him go upstairs." felix nodded his head, placing the now empty class on the counter, turning around and heading upstairs to look for his friend. he tripped as he walked up the stairs, having to hold himself up by the railing.

"h—hyunjin.." he whispered, blinking his eyes repeatedly as his vision kept going blurry. "are you okay?" a familiar but feminine voice asked him, but felix was unable to figure out who the voice belonged to. "i—i need.. hyunjin." his voice slurred, his eyes were stinging and he couldn't focus.

"he's over here." the voice said, grabbing his hand and felix followed it.

god, why did he follow it?

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