2| Greetings

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I stayed up waiting for him to return. He eventually returned after the sun went down. When he walked into the room, I immediately noticed his blood-soaked shirt.  I rushed up to him, searching him for the source of the blood but came up empty. It was then I realized that the blood wasn't his. I released a breath I didn't know I had been holding.

"What happened to you?" I questioned him as his grey eyes bounced around the room. He wouldn't look at me and I had no idea why. I had gently grasped his chin with my thumb and index finger and turned his head towards me. With an expression as stern as I could muster, I spoke again, "I asked you a question. I'm going to ask you again and this time I expect an answer. What happened to you?"

"Nothing, Reya. Just forget about it." He raises his hand and grips my wrist trying to pry my hands from his face, but I only hold him tighter. His hard, cold stare glared into my slightly warmer gaze. "It's none of your business, now let go of me so I can change out of these bloody clothes." He spat, his voice holding a venomous edge to it.

"Okay, whatever. You are going to be staying in the chambers on my floor. That's all I wanted to say," I let go of his face stepping back.

"That's all? You have asked anyone else to inform me," He responded. The blood on his skin started to disappear. Whose blood is that? I'm curious about whose life he just took. Since the blood is fading away, that means one of two things. It was human and it was a creature. Why would the king of Sinnest want his aid to kill a creature?

"It was out of generosity. Also, my mind can't help but wonder why the blood is fading away. For someone that is in a rush to get cleaned it looks like you will be fine in a few seconds," I crossed my arm around my chest. He raised his brow and his upper lip twitched.

Is he amused by this? This isn't the first time he's looked amused when I lash out.

"I'm sorry but do you enjoy seeing me get worked up?" I asked.

"It's more of seeing you enter your little queen mode that's amusing.  I wouldn't mind seeing you get worked up for other things, however," He stated. Why does he talk in confusing language?

"Did you see Alaric on your way here?" I asked Zei. His facial expression shifted to an annoyed one. I think to ask Alaric if he knows what my mom wanted to tell me. He's educated in many subjects. There's a high chance he can explain to me.

I remember Zoe reminding me that my mother was to inform me of something the night before my wedding. She can't tell me because it's treason according to her. I don't even know what my mother was planning on telling me.

"Why do you need Alaric at this time of the night?" he asked, ignoring my question.

"Why is it your concern? If you won't tell me why it is that you have blood on you, I obtain the right to stay silent," I said leaning against the wall.

He sighed and started explaining. "There were Titians near the south coast, near a castle the king is working on, and he needed my assistance in defeating the creatures,"

"Now was that really so hard?" I teased. He shook his head annoyed with my childish antics. "So tell me, why would you need Alaric at this hour?" He asked again. This time with more authority in his voice. "I have some personal questions I need to ask him. Nothing that concerns you." I responded. Trying to be as vague as possible in my reasons for needing Alaric.

"I just told you something that completely doesn't concern you at all, and you won't even tell me," He scoffed.

"It's just. He is older and wiser than me. If I ask a question he has an answer," I quickly responded.

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