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"No, I'm not willing to sell a section of the land," I said as I crumpled the piece of paper my adviser handed me. Everyone believes that because I am a woman, they may purchase a percentage of my land. They don't comprehend that becoming the first female queen makes me wiser. I know what every single king wants from me, and I simply avoid it.

"How's my favorite Queen?" Alaric walked into my court. Instead of tending to his own kingdom's business, he pokes his nose into mine.

"The Godgizian Theocracy wants some of my land. They are nowhere near us but want to own land. It's the dumbest thing I've heard of," I explained to him.

"What will you get in return?" he asked.

"Weapons, Dragons, and elves" I answered him.

"Seems like a good deal to me," he said, and I shot him a glare. "I said the same thing," My advisor added.

"I already have elves, fairies. I'm scared of dragons. Doesn't the King of Sinnest Kingdom have a thing for dragons? They can take their proposal to that kingdom," I stated, and they started to laugh.

"The king of Sinnest Kingdom will kill you if you look at him the wrong way or even breathe too hard next to him. You think he will share land with someone. Come on Reya, you've heard the rumors about him," Alaric sat down on the king's seat.

He knows he's not supposed to sit there but does it anyway.

I have yet to meet the King of the Sinnest Kingdom. Except for him, every king attended my parents' burial. Even the grey-eyed man whose name I never found out attended the burial. People treated him like a king, therefore I suppose he is one as well.

The Sinnest Kingdom is our next-door neighbor. They are my ally, but the king won't agree to meet me. Everyone tells me that the king believes no woman should rule a kingdom. Maybe if he wasn't playing with people's souls, he would have seen how much of a great queen I am.

I heard the rumors that everyone must greet him when they see him. If he is in a bad mood and someone greets him happily, he kills them. If someone stares at him the wrong way or in a way, he doesn't like he kills them.

I also heard he is friends with many girls. Kings and queens shouldn't have friends with the opposite gender, but he doesn't care. I pity his future queen. Once she knows that most of his friends are girls she will be pissed. I am already pissed at him for her.

A part of me feels like I've met him at least once in my life. My mother had said I heard of him, and I've met him. Alaric refuses to tell me.

My birthday is in two days. I am mentally prepared for the amount of men that will propose to me. It will be fun and miserable saying no to each and every one of them. What if an incredibly hot King or even prince asks for my marriage, and he is also kind? I will have to say no.

I don't even know the person I am marrying. He could have turned into a jerk these last two years. He may be ugly. But I'd like to think my father knew my type. He said he chose the right king for me, so I am going to trust that he knew what he was doing.

Thinking about him brings back all the memories we shared and makes me miss him even more. My advisor's voice brings me out of my mind. "Why are you crying, my royal highness?"

I hadn't realized I was crying until he said something and lifting my index finger under my eye, I found that he was right. A few tears had slipped from my eyes. I haven't cried in over a year. I thought I was past this. Apparently not.

"Reya, what happened," Alaric's voice catches my attention.

"Nothing, something flew in my eye," I lied, turning my position in my seat to look at Alaric. "I'm not stupid Reya. I know you more than you think. You are having flashbacks, aren't you," He moved closer to me in his seat.

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