Chapter 21: "Falling For You" (Part 1)

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"Don't you see me now? I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you, Don't you need me? I think I'm falling, I'm falling for you"

"Falling for You" The 1975


When I was a child in fifth grade I made the greatest and most special discovery in the world a rejected and lonely girl. I discovered books. Those books that with their stories and their letters can transport you to an exact and perfect world. A magical world. That perfect world that a writer can imagine and capture with letters. Harry Potter, Lord of The Rings, Narnia. Those books by different authors but each one with the ability to create worlds full of magic. Alternate worlds to the reality we live day by day. An escape from the reality that each one of those people, each one of those authors lived day by day.

Books became that for me, an escape from my horrible reality. I started to create my own world. That world where everything was perfect. A world where there was love and smiles. I just started writing.

All my life I grew up with that feeling that there must be something wrong with me. That I had to have something different for my world to be different from the world of so many children I knew. Those kids that their mom would kiss at the school entrance to say goodbye, or kiss them again on the way out. A parent who would smile proudly at you as you got an A+ in one of your classes. Two parents who would attend your meetings to see their children's projects. A parent who would kiss you goodnight and read you a bedtime story. Two parents who would hug you, who would smile at you. Two parents who loved you above all things. That was my little reality created in letters. A reality that I never lived with.

My reality was screams, blows and tears. A stepfather who beat my mother and me whenever he could to prove his manhood. A man who never had a word of affection for me and who always saw me as my mother's "annoying burden". I never felt like loved or a special child.

After that sad childhood I wanted to escape quickly. My inexperience and naivety made me end up in Jason's arms. And I fell back into a repetitive cycle. A man who beat me. The new generation of Estrabao women.

A man who had possibly never loved me before. I had fled a horrible reality to find myself in another one just as bad, if not worse. Tied in marriage to a man who did not value my work, nor me as a woman. And worst of all, I allowed it. I had fallen so low. But it was simply because I didn't think I was worthy of deserving more. I didn't believe I was capable of deserving more. I didn't believe I deserved that I could be any different, but something had changed, I hadn't believed it until this moment.

Lauren Jauregui's arms wrapped around my waist pulling me close to her while her lips were still glued to mine kissing her desperately. My hands buried in that soft, perfect hair. It was beyond my wildest dreams. I had never felt this way before. I felt that I could achieve anything I wanted with her by my side, that I could get anywhere I wanted if she supported me.

Her soft lips moved from my lips to my neck and I lost myself. A soft moan came from my throat, surprising me. It was simply amazing. Lauren was a wonderful woman in every way. A woman who was driving me completely crazy. If you had told me a week ago that I would be totally crazy and lost in the arms of another woman I would have laughed; I would have laughed to know that would be impossible because Jason kept telling me how cold and distant I was when it came to sex. Jason called me frigid. But with Jason I had never felt this way.

"Your taste delicious-" Lauren whispered right in my ear as her lips left wet kisses on my neck.

My throat closed up as I tried to say something. The sensation was spectacular causing my lips to let out only gasps. What was that? What was that sensation of feeling complete? My hands gently caressed Lauren's back, feeling her touch deep inside me.

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