Regirock falls to the ground and Cody tosses a Heavy Ball at it.

Cody:Yes! Nice one.

Kezia high-fives him and they collect the regi and walk off.

The two were on their way to the third temple in the mountains.

As they traveled closer to the temple they saw someone terrorizing a poor Pokemon.

The Pokemon in question was a medium sized dragon that resembled a shark.

Cody saw it was a Gabite that was trying to defend itself.

Kezia roared at the person with Cody doing everything he can to keep her back.

???:What's this?

The person said as he turned to them.

Said person was a male with pale skin and ginger hair that had a tuff shaped like fire.

He wore an orange suit over a white undershirt and a black tie,his slacks were also orange while his feet had black shoes as well as black gloves along with a black belt. Orange shades covered his eyes.

On the belt was an orange letter 'F' styled after a flame design.

Cody whispers to Kezia.

Cody*Whispers*:Careful,Kezia. This guy's with Team Flare,it's so confusing how they got here undetected.

She nods and balls her fists.

Male Flare Grunt:Well,well. What do we have here? A nosy little trainer has come poking around.

Cody:Actually,I was passing by when I saw you hurting this innocent Gabite.

The shark ran towards Cody and hid behind his legs.

Cody:I gotcha.

Male Flare Grunt:We're the fashionable team whose very name makes people tremble in fear:Team Flare!

Cody raises an eyebrow.

Male Flare Grunt:Team Flare's only goal is to make it so we're the only ones who are happy! We don't care one bit about what happens to other Trainers or Pokemon.

Cody:Yeah...That's pretty obvious.

Male Flare Grunt:Get out of here,kid. Don't you know not to play with fire?

Cody searches around the area feeling a bit confused.

Cody:I don't see any fires around here. However,I do like to play with Ferna and Shula along with Flare.

Cody:Now,I would love to leave but I have to deal with you first for hurting this wonderful dragon.

Male Flare Grunt:Getting my fancy suit dirty isn't the most stylish way to do things,but if you insist...I'll obliterate you! Get him,Houndour!

The grunt makes an 'F' shape with his arms and hands then throws out a Pokemon called Houndour.

Cody sends in his Tyrunt,Ripjaw.

Unfortunately,the dino is sent back to its ball by Roar with Bracer being dragged out.

Bracer looks down at his opponent and snarls.

Cody has Bracer take it down with Brick Break in a flash.

The grunt then sends out a Zubat and Cody brings Ripjaw out again.

Zubat goes for a Bite,but Ripjaw rolls into a ball to dodge the attack.

He uncurls and runs at the bat to take it down with Crunch,and successfully wins.

Pokemon Sword & Shield:The Autistic TrainerOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz