The first challenge

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We see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen in the tent.

Dumbledore: (through loudspeaker) Four of our champions have faced their dragons so each of them will proceed to the next task. And now our two and final champions.

Ashton: That's us D, wish me luck.

Dimitri: Likewise.

We then go to the stadium as we see Dimitri walking into a rocky arena as he looks around and sees the golden egg was sitting alone and unguarded.

Dimitri: Where's the dragon?

He then heard a heavy footstep as he turned to see the dragon coming down from the rocks as it blew fire as Dimitri ran to cover as we see the dragon coming after him as we then go to another arena as we see Ashton as he was seen dodging a fireblast from the dragon he was facing as the arena he was in was a rocky terrain along with pools of lava as we see Dimitri as he was seen dodging a blast of fire as he ran behind a rock as the dragon was coming towards him.

Dimitri: Ok, time to let loose.

We then see Dimitri change into the boosted gear scale mail armor as he then came at the dragon tackling it down to the ground as we then go to Ashton as he was seen dodging a blast of fire while he dusted off some fire on his shoulder.

Ashton: I'm not scared of you, tough guy. (dodges a blast of fire from the dragon) I eat punks like you for breakfast.

Ashton then ran toward the dragon as it blew fire at him as he jumped to avoid the blast as he then came down and punched the dragon to the ground as he got up and saw the dragon shaking its head from the blow it took from Ashton.

Ashton: You want some more! Bring it on!

He then sees the dragon roar and charges at Ashton as he then ran towards it and then made his bfs and cut the dragon's head off as he then walked to the egg and grabbed it and held it up as the crowd began to cheer as Ashton felt guilty for the dragon he just killed.

Ashton: (says Rest In Peace in Italian)

We then go to Dimitri as he was seen having his hands on the dragon's mouth keeping it shut as we see the dragon moving it's head around trying to shake Dimitri off of it as we see it smash through rocks as it made Dimitri fall off.

Dimitri: Man, that thing is tough, even with this armor I can feel the hits.

He then sees the dragon getting up and roaring at Dimitri as he sees it getting ready to charge.

Dimitri: But maybe I can use his own strength against him!

He then sees the dragon blew fire as Dimitri jumped to avoid it as he then slams the ground as we see the dragon charging as stone slabs raised up making the dragon crash into it as Dimitri then jumped up and then slammed his fist to the dragon's head knocking it to the ground as it tried to get up but falls down as Dimitri then walked over to the golden egg and held it up as we see the crowd cheered for him as he then walked to the dragon and pet its head.

Dimitri: Sorry about that big guy, no hard feelings.

We later see Dimitri and Ashton as they were seen at Gryffindor Tower

Ashton: I'm surprised you guys are letting me in here.

Dimitri: Hey you're our friend Ash, so it's ok. It doesn't matter if you're a Slytherin.

Piper: Yeah, your Gryffindor in our book.

Ashton: Thanks. So what do you suppose the eggs will help us with the next clue?

Ashton then opened his golden egg as a horrifying screech was heard as everyone covered their ears.

Dimitri: Close it! Close it!

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