Heroes in Peach Creek

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We see Dimitri and Ashton as they were both seen in a sink drain as the two were seen looking inside it.

Ashton: Remind me again why we are here?

Dimitri: We just need to find what is causing this sink drain to clog up. (sees a hairball) There.

Dimitri then grabbed the hair ball and removed it.

Ashton: You sure being here is a good idea? I mean what if someone turned on the water?

Dimitri: We'll be fine as long as the water isn't-

They then see water coming.

Dimitri: On.

We then see the water sweep the two away as we see them both being taken away by the water in the pipe as we later see them coming out of a pipe as they both change back.

Ashton: Great idea dude, now we're both probably miles from home and we don't even know where we are.

Dimitri then looks around as he sees that they are both in a backyard as they saw a shed and many animals from chickens, pigs, a goat and cows.

Dimitri: Looks like we're in someone's backyard.

Then they both ducked as they saw a boy with blue hair was swinging a fish at them as Ashton grabbed it.

Ashton: What's your problem man?

Rolf: Victor we have poachers!

Then the goat heard Rolf as it then acted like a bull and charged.

Dimitri: Victor?

They both turned and saw Victor.

Ashton: Nice goat!

They then started to run as they see Victor was running after them as they jumped over a fence.

Dimitri: That was close.

Ashton: Let's go see where we-

Then Victor's head burst through the fence and rammed the two as they were both sent flying into the air.


We then see the two land in a junkyard as we see Dimitri land on a mattress as Ashton hits a fridge.

Ashton: Ow...

Dimitri: Get up dude, let's look around.

Ashton: Alright.

They then got up as they started to walk around the junkyard as Dimitri and Ashton saw an old van that had hot rod flames.

Ashton: This thing has been here for a long time.

Dimitri: And we can fix it.

Ashton: How?

Dimitri: We're in a junkyard, look around. This place is probably overflowing with raw materials. And we know the perfect alien for this.

Dimitri then used his watch and turned into Jury Rigg as Ashton saw him leaping to an old car.

Dimitri: Disassemble!

Dimitri then started to take apart the car while throwing pieces to the van as Dimitri started to leap to more cars taking out parts needed to fix the van as he then jumped to the van.

Dimitri: Reassemble! Fix! Fix! Fix! Fix!

We then see Dimitri as he was seen putting the parts he took as Ashton saw Dimitri standing on top of the van as it looked good as new

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