61: A Mystery Yet To Unfold

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Taehyung and Jungkook looked at each other in surprise, then gaping at Jimin with eyes and mouth wide as saucers.

"Hoseok told us you had some sort of strange bond, Taehyung staying in your room for hours when you were dead. Even if you weren't dead, seeing as you thought he was the only one you could confide in... I even thought you had some tension sometimes, though I didn't say anything because I didn't really think you'd be happy together. But apparently, I was wrong?" Jungkook bit his lower lip in thought.

"Actually, Taehyung was a vampire long before me. I figured out his secret but didn't actually ever think of ratting him out. Sorry. So I guess we formed some sort of special bond? I didn't even realize I was catching feelings for him, and vice versa. Somehow it escalated, and now that we're both vampires, I suppose our connection grows stronger still." Jimin nodded; it was hard to read his thoughts out of his expression. He simply looked exhausted and a little tipsy.

"So, why did you actually come here? Why enroll in Cheonsang University?" This question was clearly directed towards Taehyung.
"My friend Mina is a witch. Yes, they exist aswell. There's this whole messy history with secret societies, vampire hunters, werewolf clans and whatnots trying to kill creatures like me. Anyways, she has visions and dreams of things happening sometimes. At times, they're accurate, although far too vague. I still make the mistake of not taking them seriously when I should, and vice versa, and therefore getting into trouble."

"Well, I wanted a fresh start and this place was a place where literally no one knew shit about supernatural activity. So I thought, at least. Mina started having visions again, specifically about Cheonsang University, so to get to the bottom of it, I enrolled and... yeah, there definetely is a threat. I'm a fighter, you know? I don't run from problems anymore, I face them and solve them. 'Cause no matter what you think, us supernaturals? We're just people, if you think about it. Yeah, we're different and we can't really die. But all the crazy shit I had to go through for being a vampire? You wouldn't want to hear."

"So, what's your purpose in your life? I mean, as an immortal being? What's your reason for fighing for what you think is right, being... alive, I guess?," Namjoon asked after a brief pause. Typical of him, asking philosophical questions to which he didn't even know the answer to himself.

"My purpose changed many, many times. Seeing the world, doing the right thing, seeking revenge, being powerful, being rich, happy? And right now? I think I live to love. And I love to live. I haven't let myself love properly for a long time, but I feel like... this might be it. Actually, I stopped believing in fate or true love centuries ago, but right now I'm happy. And I suppose that's what counts," the vampire answered thruthfully.

"Also," he added uncertainly. "Friendship. For so long, Mina has been my only friend and sometimes, she's like a mother to me. But now, I know what having friends really feels like. I have Chaeyoung, Ahjin, though I can,'t help but think of her as a daughter sometimes. And you guys. When you, Jimin, started befriending me, honestly? At first, I fucking despised you. You annoyed me to no bounds. And Namjoon?"

"I'm a little embarrassed to admit this, but the reason I was nice to you was because I thought you were tall and attractive. Just because I didn't let myself love doesn't mean I couldn't... have fun. Well, that was also before I knew who I actually loved. And Hoseok, since you don't go to Cheonsang, I didn't have much opportunity to spend time with you. But after Jungkook... you know, I spent lots of time in your dorm. I tried to lessen your pain by suggesting you to take care of yourself, by bringing you snacks and fun stories about Jungkook. Of course, this might make you see me as a deceitful bitch. But I came to care for you too, this way. You were so strong, and I admired that."

"And you two," he addressed Namjoon and Jimin. "Remember, we were here before? Remember our first bowling trip, and coming here after? Remember watching that horrible Twilight movie in the cinema and sleeping over at Jimin's? Remember building those snowmen and going on that camping trip? I tried to convince myself I hated you so hard, but I was just too stupid to realize how much these events made me care about you. Being your friend is such an amazing thing- or at least it was, I know you hate me now."

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