Chapter 2

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"Nolan, I want snacks," Madaline says to me for the hundredth time. I munch on my toast and look up at her tiredly. It's ten in the morning and all she can talk about is how it's my fault for her not having snacks. I don't see how it's my fault, who said she couldn't get cheese puffs? Not me. Or maybe it was me who said that. That's not the point. The point is, who eats snacks at this time of day? Is breakfast not a thing anymore? Guess not.

"Madaline, if you want snacks so bad, go buy them."

She gasps, dramatically, as if I said every curse word in the book. Holding her hand to her chest, she stomps over to me. Grabbing me by both of my shoulders, she shakes me hard, almost making me drop my toast. I get dizzy and push her away from me. The woman is crazy sometimes. I'm telling you.

"I'm not going anywhere if you're not coming with me. Who knows what kind of people are out there, I could get kidnapped! Do you want me to get kidnapped?"

I mutter, 'yes' underneath my breath while finishing up my small breakfast. Madaline must've heard me because next thing I know, I'm getting a full on glare from her. I tilt my head, trying to act innocent, but it just doesn't work on her. Sighing, I put on my shoes and a light jacket, before returning to the kitchen. Madaline looks at me confusingly, not getting what I'm trying to imply. Raising my eyebrows, she still doesn't get what I'm trying to say. Shrugging, I go to turn around.

"I guess I'll just take all of this off, since you don't wanna go to the store anymore."

"No!" Madaline practically screams, busting my ear drums in the process. Her parents are gone at work, so they weren't here to scold her about all the unnecessary noise she's making. "Don't take it off, I still want to go."

Madaline runs to get her boots and pink jacket before skipping her way back to me. We leave the house, locking the doors behind us. There was no need to drive anywhere, since there's a small store not too far from here. Madaline and I play 'I spy' along the way to pass time. She cheated every time, making me pinch her side here and there. She would squeal every time, making the both of us laugh. The sounds she made were hilarious.

We finally reach the store and go in, our laughs echoing off the walls. Leeane, our store friend, waved at us and we waved back. We make our way to the candy aisle and pick up different types of candy. We didn't really look at labels, just picked up whatever we saw and put it in our green basket. We moved to get drinks and Madaline picked up every juice she saw. I picked up a sweet tea and apple juice. I was going to move on when I saw sprite. Sprite is my second favorite. Or my third. One of those.

When we're done getting our drinks, Madaline suggests that we get some fruit. She's been wanting to do a fruit board for the longest. I tell her that we can do that another time and she pouts at me before nodding. We go to pay for our stuff, when I bump into someone, almost dropping the entire basket. I do stumble back a little, but luckily I don't fall. That'd be embarrassing, especially since it happened once already. Regaining my balance, I look up to say sorry to whoever I bumped into.

"Sorry I-.." my words fall short as I see that it's the girl from yesterday. She doesn't have as many rings on as she did last time, only a couple. She had on a single cross necklace and her outfit looked so good. She's wearing black, ripped jeans, a white, long sleeved shirt, and white shoes to match. She has an angel wing earring in one ear, with a diamond earring in the other. Snapping my eyes back to her face, I smile stupidly, "It's you, the tattooed girl."

"It's me. You're the clumsy guy."

Hearing her call me the clumsy guy, makes me blush slightly and turn my head. Guess she still remembers what happened yesterday, even though I wish she would forget. Madaline looks at us confusingly, probably forgetting that this is the girl she saw me talking to yesterday.

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