Not the cells in his brains

Start from the beginning


"Only a tad bit"

She walked over to her private bar top and reached for the ice bucket, Tom saw in her confident smile she wanted to say more, after the small amount of whiskey made the ice clink in the glass she turned with it to him.

"How's the progress on the case? Am I going to be locked up?" She asked smiling.

"Well Miss Monroe..." He paused whilst taking the glass from her, building the suspension a little higher he first took a sip and appreciated the quality of the liquor.

"If your man Ruben can bring me a photo of Alison, you might be in the clear, but if he doesn't have one, I'm afraid this investigation will have more than just a warrant for camera footage"

She stepped back to her bar, maybe his words rattled her because she poured herself a glass of gin, her smile was gone and those beautiful brows tucked to her eyes.

"Mind explaining that?"

"If he doesn't have a photo of Alison then its clear she might have paid someone not to take a photo, paid someone to look the other way, that or, someone in your building was mutually aiding her"

Adele touched her lips with the gin but her eyes went through the window to the skyscraper across the street, she was thinking now, Tom saw her eyes twitching softly left and right.

"I..." She sighed and looked at him "Its hard to keep track of all my staff detective, I have a workforce of over five thousand people"

"That's understandable, you made it easier by appointing someone like Ruben to cope with it, anyone would if he or she was financially capable"

There was a knock on the door and the two turned to this supposed Ruben, bulky man with a healthy chocolate brown hair color, Tom estimated him late twenties, maybe mid, he's young, and the young will always be prone to make mistakes.

If Alison was as sweet as Charlie said she was, Ruben would no doubt have thought with the seed in his scrotum and not the cells in his brains if Alison asked not to take a photo, one plus one of course.

"Ruben, did you bring the file?" Adele asked.

"Yes mam, its right here" the man said hoisting the large binding file to both arms, Tom knew it would be big, though he wondered if that was too small?

"Don't leave just yet Ruben" Adele said to the man as he headed for the door "Do you know a woman named Alison?" She asked paging to the back.

"Yes, latest in, she's been here just over a week" he said returning to the table.

Adele's head darted left and right on the file "Where is her info?"


Tom made a quick wager, this A-hole is going to lie now.

"The time I read in her information the systems was offline, I'm sorry mam, I didn't get to her yet"

The seed in his scrotum! That was it! "One week, more than a week?" Tom asked "What does Adele pay you for anyway!?" He almost yelled, that was a chance to get behind the swing of the axe, but when ever will a case be that easy?

He looked at Adele who was rather surprised that he had an outburst "Remember what I said, if he didn't have the photo, she must have either paid him or bribed him"

"She did no such thing! My systems was offline!" Ruben said loudly, but his reaction only spelled 'guilty' in Tom's head.

"Mind joining me to the police station mister Ruben?"

"Wh– why!?"

"I have a suspicion this girl named Alison is involved in a murder, if you did your job it would have made things a lot easier"

"But, but!"

Tom grunted rubbing his hair, at that moment it was as if Charlie came to his rescue with the camera footage, Tom looked at the file again "So there is nothing about Alison?"

"No" Adele said.

"What was her surname?" Tom asked Ruben.

"Kowalski" Ruben said, but Tom knew that was a lie, never the less he write it down and headed to the door.

"Don't leave town mister Ruben, that would insure you're guilty and I will find you, a child of fifteen was killed, and I will wipe this county flat! You won't have a damn place to hide! Understood!?"

"Y– yes sir"

Tom took the hard disk from Charlie and left the office.

Author's note:

Okay so loads of suspicion just unfolded, let's see what happens next time right?

Thanks for the read peeps.

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