"So if I'm not mistaken you two know almost all the ins and outs, the routines, the faces?"

"Couple of new faces here and there but other than that I'd say this is our backyard sir"

"New faces?" Tom asked, a little early yes but the question of 'new faces' would have been asked eventually.

"A young woman joined here a week ago, name was... Er, what was it again Charlie?"

"Think it was Alison"

"Alison hey? Got a picture of her?"

The two scurried for a file but Charlie got it first, paged to the back and bit his lip "Oh, sorry sir we haven't placed her photo in here yet"

"What's her age?" Tom asked.

"Nineteen I think"

"Fresh bird hey?"

"Yeah, just rolled out of highschool"

"If you see her in the camera footage would you recognize her?"

"Of course, she's real sweet" the other said starting to play with his cameras.

Tom stood patiently watching as he drew up camera after camera, but the chubby guy broke a sweat, Tom saw why, and that bothered him also.

"How long has she been working here?" Tom asked.

"About, a week. Maybe a week and a half" the sweat dripped man said.

Tom nodded, this woman, Alison, made perfectly sure she hid her face from every damn camera in here, she's an expert, she didn't join Adele's company to build a future, she came here for more sinister reasons.

"Relax" Tom said patting the cameraman's shoulder, who in return wiped his brow and looked at Tom "This gives you a little learning experience doesn't it? Make sure you do it right next time, where is this Alison's desk?"

"Let me show you sir" Charlie said standing up "Edward, whilst I take the detective to that desk make a copy of all the footage onto a backup hard drive, even the outside cameras"

"Will do" the other said turning to the station.

With a hasty pace Charlie was out the door nearly bumping into Odette still waiting.

"You can go back to your desk miss I got this" the stocky security guard said not stopping, Tom gave her a friendly nod as he passed.

Up an elevator to the fifth floor Charlie lead him to an open desk, the people sitting there all looked up like curious seagulls, heads bobbing, here and there one leaned to gossip softly.

Tom first scanned the cameras, there was one in the furthest corner of the room, judging by the quality of the camera footage he saw earlier that was too far for a proper zoom, he inwardly chuckled, many millionaires make that same mistake, they have loads of money just put in a good camera everywhere once.

Then again, Tom thought Adele didn't think there would be any mischief here in this room, there's nothing to steal, all the jewels were in a secure room elsewhere in the building.

Trust was overrated, and now Adele is paying for it by being a suspect.

He took out a small can of black power and a brush, he always kept his makeshift forensics kit on him for in case he finds a hot lead like this, firstly he bent to eye the table like aiming over the sights of a gun, the table seemed spick and span, it could be that Alison kept her desk tidy, maybe she has obsessive cleaning disorder, so many things could lean to a clean table like this.

He then closely eyed the drawers, the handles of the drawers, then the armrests of the chair, clean, not a speck of makeup, not a smudge from a sweaty hand, Alison was a smooth criminal, if she was this neat and tidy, and she turned out to be the killer, why screw it up with a blunt knife?

"Find anything sir?" Charlie asked, which arouse Tom's suspicion, why interfere when you just screwed up big time? He could be an insider after all.

"Not yet" Tom said, then the fact that Charlie was first to fly up after Tom said he wanted to see the desk, maybe it was his prints on that licence card, maybe the girl who was found in Adele's mansion was really just a cat burglar looking for jewelry to steal.

Tom looked at the security guard standing there, his still sweaty face could mean that he knew he screwed up with the cameras, or he could in fact have been paid to look the other way.

Tom took out his pocket book and noted that down.

"I'd like to see the ladies room"

"Yes, follow me sir" Charlie said leading him out again.

At the women's restrooms Tom first knocked, when no answer came he held a hand to Charlie "Stay here, make sure no one enters"

"Of course sir"

Tom entered and closed the door, suspicions confirmed, Charlie was a lot more comfortable after tom went to the 'women's' bathroom.

He scanned the two cubicles, a woman like Alison who wanted to keep a low profile would naturally take the furthest cubicle from the door, he stepped to it but stopped.

Then again, they have proven the cleanest cubicle in any public restroom would be the one closest to the door, since people, especially women, who wants to go do a number two would use the furthest one for extra privacy, making that cubicle the dirtiest one.

Tom stood thinking of this, in the moments Alison would use these, would she be clean, or prefer her privacy? He decided to go for cleanliness first since her table was so spotless.

You can wipe the basin, wipe the handle of the flush, even wipe the toilet roll keeper, but there is one place you'd never think of wiping.

He knelt in front of it and took out the can of black powder again slowly with the tip of his finger lifted the seat fully up, for a split second one of your fingers will at some time fold in under there, he brushed it and found multiple prints, took out a strip of lamination tape and sticked it over to pick them up.

After doing the other side as well he took out two cotton swabs placed in tubes, then swabbed the top of both toilet basins and placed them back in the tubes, the clean one he marked 'C' and the dirty one 'D' only he needed to know why, he wanted any other possible suspect out of this, for in case there was a mole somewhere he didn't know of.

After placing the C and D swabs with fingerprints in their own bags he scanned the toilet again to make sure there's no place he might get another print, but one other place came to mind.

On your way out you make sure you leave with haste, men don't care but women would probably not like being seen coming out of the restrooms, maybe they're shy, but it would be a careless mistake from Alison.

The handle of the door leading out got a dab of powder and he collected the prints.

"That's all for now" Tom said coming out "I want that camera footage then I want a chat with Monroe before I leave"

Charlie nodded "Of course"

Author's note:

So sorry for the late chapter peeps but I'm sure this one will leave you guessing.

Thanks for the read.

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