More Than You'll Ever Know

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Spirit's Eve came and went and soon enough the valley is covered with a blanket of snow. Another winter for Adella to spend most of her time mining. This time though, she's not going to the local mines in the mountains. She found a skeleton key the last time she was down there and talked to Marlon about it.

He guessed it might open up Skull Cavern out in Calico Desert. Marlon warns Adella further that those mines haven't been touch in decades maybe even a century or two and he doesn't know what's down there. Nevertheless, she persisted. The farmer gathers as much supplies she thinks she needs to traverse the desert mines.

One snowy morning, she buys a bus ticket and heads out to Calico Desert eager to find new treasures.


Adella slipped in and out of consciousness, catching faded glimpses of her environment. The sandstone caverns being overrun with monsters, a rescue crew pulling her out and carried back to the valley by heavenly white light. She hears her name echoed repeatedly by different voices and felt helpless to respond to them.

The light and noise cease and she feels wrapped in a warm darkness. It was a cozy warmth that made her think she was back home in bed. It reminded Adella of the state her grandfather was in before he passed, and he told her that all he could feel was warmth.

She contemplates whether she's dead or not but what confirms her belief that she's in the land of living is the smell of freshly brewed coffee.

"Hazelnut creamer..." Adella breathes knowing who's in the room with her, "That was your favorite..."

She squints her eyes to see a vague outline of the disheveled doctor standing over her.

"Oh my Yoba, you're awake!" Harvey's voice shivered as he's overcome with tears, "I-I thought... I thought I-I was gonna lose you..." Tears stream down his cheeks as he kneels down beside the bed. Holding her hand against his cheek.

"Harves... don't cry..." Adella gently moved her finger to wipe away a tear. She could feel her eyes tearing up as well, "I was only gone for a few hours..."

He looks up at her in disbelief, "Adella," He sniffles wiping his other cheek, "You were missing for five days."

"...What?" She pressed confused. There was no calendar in her immediate sight and she darts her eyes around and it just dawned on her that she's at the clinic.

The heart rate monitor sped up as she began to panic about her farm duties. Adella tries to sit up but her muscles give out on her.

"Adella, please relax." Harvey stands back up and adjusts her pillow, "Your farm is fine, the animals are doing well, everything is as you left it."

After taking a few deep breathes, she could the hear the beeping rhythm slow down. Harvey pulls a chair and continues to hold her hand.

He clearly looked like he hadn't slept in days. His black eye had healed but they were sunken in and bloodshot. Adella noticed he also hadn't shave in a few days.

Harvey's green jacket is hanging on the back of door and and his shirt sleeves were rolled up. A few buttons undone and his tie was loosened like he had a rough week in the clinic.

"Anyone who wasn't in search and rescue was helping out on your farm." He mentioned and peered over the table by the bed covered in flowers, "And when they found you, they told me you suffered 40 percent blood loss I thought for sure I was gonna lose you."

Tears again flood his cheeks and tightens his grip on her hand, "Everyone brought in flowers," Harvey sniffles cracking a smile, "Cause Emily went around saying how much you loved them."

Adella looked around smiling at the beautiful arrangements. A few tears escape down her cheek feeling she is a part of this little community.

"They are lovely." She grinned looking back at the doctor, "How long was I out?"

"With the days you went missing, 12 days." He answered.

"12 days!" She exclaimed.

"12 days," Harvey nodded, "For a while, Emily was camping out here waiting for you to wake up. I had to politely ask her to leave because I could hear her snoring all the way from upstairs."

Adella couldn't help but giggle, "Surprised I didn't wake up to that." She joked.

Harvey softly chuckled, "I better give her a call to her know you're finally awake." He lifts up her hand to his lips and kisses her knuckles before leaving the room.

A few minutes go by and an ecstatic Emily bursts into the hospital room. "I knew you would wake up, I just knew you would!" She smiles widely taking the seat that Harvey was in, "Man, I don't give you enough credit for managing your farm. I thought for sure Harvey would pass out from exhaustion."

"Harvey was working the farm?" Adella questioned a bit puzzled.

"Oh yeah, the poor man was doing two jobs at once! I had to beg him to take a break." She mentioned, "And I don't know if you had a chance to look at the flowers you got but tell me what you see." Emily nods over to a specific bouquet.

Adella cranes her neck to get a better look and spots one only made up of tulips. Not just an assortment of random colors, but all red tulips.

"No fucking way!" She gasped then spots another vase filled with daffodil looking flowers, "Holy shit! What does the card say on the tulips?"

Emily reaches over and picks out the tiny card and reads, "You are the flowers that bring color to my world," She pauses and smiles, "Harvey."

Adella presses in on her lips internally awing at what he wrote. She couldn't deny the fact that this was her universal sign to be with Harvey. Deep down she always knew it was him but it's refreshing to have the world show you a sign.

"'Follow the red tulips' is what the fortune teller said." Emily pointed out, "What's your next move?"

"She won't be making any moves for a while." Harvey stated walking back into the room with his clipboard, "I monitor her vitals in the next hour to see if she can go home, and after that no strenuous work for the rest of the season." He looked up stating that directly at Adella.

"You don't have to tell me twice." She responds knowing she's too sore to move.

"I don't know, sometime I have to tell you twice." He joked writing down her current vitals and smiles laughing the two women laugh, "You're welcome to bring food in if you're hungry, I'll be back in hour to see how she's doing." He gives her permission before leaving again.

"I bet your starving," Emily comments putting one her gloves, "Want anything from the saloon?"

"Pizza sounds so good right now, I could probably eat one whole." Adella said carefully sitting herself up.

"Two larges pizza, I got it. I'll be back in a bit."

She watches her friend leave, leaving her alone with all the flowers. Adella could reach the vase with narcissuses in it and turned it a little to see the card. It was signed by Shane and the note read 'The world isn't fun without you in it.' Even though the spirits told her to be cautious of him, they also want her to forgive him. Adella didn't think she was ready to forgive Shane yet, but it's definitely better than holding a grudge against him forever.

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