Floating on Cloud Nine

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A thunderstorm raged outside the clinic, a perfect setting for the doctor to use as an excuse to not go anywhere. He put on an oldies love song station over the clinic radio before he went to work. Within the span of the few weeks they've been official Harvey has been feeling lighter than air.

A smile has been plastered to his ever since he came back from the city. Harvey couldn't remember the last time he felt this way about someone. Let alone feel this comfortable around anyone like this before. He hums along to the soft music and hears the front door open knowing it's Maru.

"Good morning, Dr. Harvey." She greeted placing her umbrella in the stand.

"Good morning, Maru." He paused from his organizing to greet her.

"You're in a good mood," she smiled tidying up the waiting room, "Anything interesting happen on your picnic you want to tell me?"

"Me being the idiot, I didn't check the weather broadcast that day and it rained during our picnic." He admitted with slight disappointment.

"Oh no, was she upset?" Maru frowned.

"No actually!" Harvey's eyes widened, "She suggested that we dance in the rain! Ah... she is such a wonderful dancer." He gushed leaning onto the counter.

She smiles at him fondly. Finally content to see him like this, "I'm glad you had a great time."

"That wasn't the only time we saw each other!" He added, "She asked me to help her color eggs for the festival and she's just... I—I don't uh- I don't even know how to put into words!" Harvey stammered collecting his thoughts, "She's charming, witty, compassionate! I don't know how someone like me managed to attract a woman like that!" He rambled in disbelief.

"Maybe it's because you're a huge dork." Maru admitted witness his expression charge from goo-goo eyes to defensively offended, "But women like it!" She backpedaled.

"Not from my experience." Harvey countered shaking his head, "Adella is honestly a dream come true to me and every moment I spend with her I just fall more in love with her."

"Have you ever told her you love her?" She questioned raising an eyebrow.

Harvey lowered his head in shame, "No... I-I don't think I'm ready to tell her that yet." He stuttered, "Don't get me wrong! I'm head over heels for her and I don't wanna be forceful."

"And that's fine," Maru confirmed, "I know I would want to be 100% sure if I loved someone."

He nodded in agreement. They've only been officially dating for little over half a season and he didn't want to move things too fast. But that statement is contradictory to the fact that when they confessed their feelings to each other 24 hours later they had sex. That day lingered in his mind not for reasons most people would believe but the idea ate away at him that he came off as a desperate loner.

Those types of thoughts were always there but they were drowned out by his partner's affection and reassurance. As of recent times, Harvey had one thought he couldn't fully shut out.

"Ye-yeah I want to be sure but uh..." he paused playing with his fingers, "I just— I can't help feeling that she could leave me for someone that's more interesting." He admitted.

"Dr. Harvey you're just over thinking this." Maru stated trying to keep him in reality, "From what I can tell, she seems really happy with you and I don't think anyone can fake that much emotion."

"Yeah you're right Maru, but I just can't stop thinking about how her and Shane act around each other. I know they're friend and all but I feel like they have more things in common than we do. I might be just a passing fancy till she realizes how boring I am." Harvey sulked.

"Harvey, listen to me," Maru started holding his hand assuringly, "As your friend, I want nothing more than for you to be happy and you shouldn't let your anxiety get in the way of that."

"Yeah but wha—"

"Let me finish," she commanded gripping his hand tighter, "Communication is key in any relationship and opening up about your anxiety and insecurities will not only be therapeutic but also create trust between you two. Vulnerability isn't something to be ashamed of in fact it makes people stronger."

Harvey softly smiles feeling comforted by her words. She made great points and the only way to fix his issues were to face them.

"Thank you, I really needed to hear that." He gently squeezed her hand.

"That's what I'm here for." Maru smiled, "Soon enough I might start charging you for these therapy sessions." She joked.

"I can see you being a psychologist," Harvey softly chuckled, "But charging for sessions while on the clock is a bit bold if you ask me."

"Ah, it was worth a shot." She shrugged with a smirk before heading to the back to prep the rooms.

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