Chapter 8

44 3 18

A Cup of Coffee

So after paying the my uber driver and saying thankyou I got inside my hotel and took a shower than changed my clothes quickly . I took my phone out of my back pack and put it in my pocket after made sure it was fully charged ofcourse and headed out to meet Troye at starbucks.

When I arrived there Troye was already seated at corner table next to the big window giving a nice view of the busy streets of London .

"Hey what are you going to order?" I gave a small wave and smile.

"Heey, so finally here Mr.HairHasToBeOnPoint " Troye teased with a smile .

"Haha very funny" I replied with a frown , but amusement .

"I know " he laughed " but I will get a latte how about you?"

"Um a mocha frappichino "

After ordering our drinks . We started talking and Troye told me about the girl from the plane , and how she got used , made fun of and betrayed by everyone and decided to finally fit in and give up her life for society so she dyed her hair blonde and all that .

"Oh..I feel bad now for thinking she was just a fake barbie , but I'm glad you told her about how everyone is perfect in their own way . Troye a friking awesome human you know that?"

Troye smirked and opened his mouth to speak before I interupted him and said "CASPAR!"

Troye turned his head to look behind him and there stood a tall blonde guy we both knew and loved .

"What is Caspar doing here ..well there goes our plan of surprising them ." Troye said in deflated tone ."But I'm to see him here!" He said with a huge grin and now he was back .

We both got up from our table and went up to Caspar who was standing in line to get his drink. "HEEEY CASPAR!" Troye yelled and got Caspars attention along with some stares from the people sitting near us and standing in the waiting line for their drink or whatever.

"Damn Troye ! that was loud! " I said his reply to which he just replied with a sheepish smile.

After seeing our little act Caspar finally decided to speak. " Oh what! Connor , Troye what are you two doing in London right now!?" Caspar exclaimed.

"Well hey to you too Caspar " I said with a smile.

"Oh my god sorry Hey guys! I was just shocked and all I was not expecting you to be here ! wait what are you two doing here this early ? Not that I'm complaing "

"Well you see little Caspar ..."
Troye explained everything to Caspar. He was in the back of the line with five other people infront of him so we had enough time to explain it all to him. Soon Caspar got his drink we all headed back to our table .

"Well that was something..Oh and Joe has a friend coming over just so you guys know and it wont be akward " Caspar said when we got seated down. "Sure was, but we should start heading to your place so we can surprise Joe! I said . I wonder who that friend is though I hope he or she is nice I thought

"Hell yea can't wait too see him!" Troye joined in the conversation .

The rest of the time at Starbucks went by us talking and messing around with eachother and after we were all ready we took a taxi to Caspars apartment.

The who taxi ride Troye and Caspar decided to sing The Milkshake and it was pretty funny and soon I joined them . We got to his apartment in a short time and headed upstairs. Caspar opened the door woth his key and we all got in "Guys at three we all have to yell "Hey Joe" okay!"

Troye exclaimed. Heh Typical Troye , but we both nodded anyway.

Troye started putting his three fingers down one by one from his left hand , and as soon as he put his third finger down we all yelled on the top of our lungs , but not to loud since there were people living in the apartment under us "HEEEEEY JOOOOOOE!" But as soon as we got in the living room apparently Joe was talking to his friend....

"Whaaaat You!?!" Troye and I exclaimed at the same time .


There you hope you liked it! I did'nt proof read it so sorry for any typos :) Tell me if you see any though ! I'll make sure to correct them asap.

Picture is of Caspar !!

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