The in-laws

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I was just talking to my sister about how excited she was too get married too the love of her life when my mum came down all ecstatically.'Amma,what's wrong?' I asked,wondering why my mother was all happy. 'Ay-yah can't I be happy heh?Rumi tor fiancée is coming over go on both of you get changed zow!'Our mum said,demanding us too get changed in her Bengali accent.My sister rushed upstairs and got dressed out of her pajamas,I did the same.A while later after we had gotten dressed,my sister called her fiancée,Musa and found out that he wasn't coming only her Sister-in-laws.One of them was my age and I absolutely despised her.Obviously,I had too act like I liked her infront of our parents but when we're with anyone else or just us,we have a go at eachother. 'Oi appu'I said,whispering so her in-laws don't hear, 'Is Anaya coming? Please say that panchod isn't!' 'No don't worry y/n she's not now get out!' My sister whispered,but looking tense.A few minutes later,I heard the ring doorbell going off.I hurried down the stairs to open the door.It was Anaya.Why is she here,couldn't she just stay home! I thought,having to give a fake smile too her because my mum was behind me.she pushed against me,letting herself in once my mum had gone back into the living room.I hate her.I greeted Rumaisa's mother-in-law and let her in graciously....It had been a couple of hours since they came and they were finally leaving. 'Thank Allah.' I said under my breath.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2022 ⏰

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