Chapter 3 // Family shit, ya know.

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"Finneas I don't have time for your fucking lectures." I explain as I open the door and walk back over to my bed and flop on my stomach.

"Look, I just want an answer to one question...why, Billie? You are aware of what happened last time. Right?"

I felt the bed dip beside me. His words made my brain race back to the memories of that day.

"I told you to NEVER being that up again." I reply. The coldness in my voice could freeze the earth.

"Billie, I, a long with everyone else, just want you to be ok."

This pushed me over edge. I spring out of my position and swiftly turn to face him.

They just don't fucking get it.

"I will NEVER be ok, because I'm 16 and treated like I'm 30 with a million bills to pay! I AM STRESSED THE FUCK OUT AND NO ONE FUCKING CARES!" I scream with tears pricking out. "Pls just get out. GET OUT!"

Numb. Finneas's face just looked numb. He leaves my room with a sigh, shutting my door.

I breath in and out, in order to calm my emotions. I vigorously wipe my eyes, my mind telling me I'm weak.

I close my eyes and let my thoughts take over. Soon, I'm overcome with images of Leon. His beautiful smile. Beautiful eyes. Perfect face. His dark skin.

God. I only met the man today.


Next thing I know, I'm awake. New day. New bullshit.

I sluggishly ooze out of the cloud that i call my bed. I exit my room, taking a deep breath in order to get ready for the shitshow about to go down.

Once I appear from behind the wall that was protecting me and enter the living room, all 3 lecturers were sat upon the couch.

I groan and try to sprint to the kitchen.

"Billie Eilish Pirate Baird O' Connell, do NOT leave this room." My mothers voice boomed through the crisp air filled with tension.

Jesus fucking Christ.

I stop, turn around, and take a few slow steps forward in order to be closer, that way I can better hear the bullshit about to come out of her mouth.

I stay silent with my RBF on high, to show just how pissed I really was.

"Billie." My mother begins, her hand rubbing her forehead in despair. "w-what has gotten in to you?" She continues, breathing out and slapping her hand on her thigh.

"Nothing." I reply blandly.

"Billie something is obviously wrong-"

"God." I chuckle. " you just don't see it do you, mother? I. AM. STRESSED! I AM 16! I WANT TO DO 16 YEAR OLD THINGS! I DONT WANT TO BE TIDED DOWN AND TREATED LIKE A FUCKING PUPPET, SHIT!" I scream bolting out the front door.

I throw my hood over my birds nest and sprint down the street in pure rage. My eyes shooting daggers into the cement below, probably wondering what it did to deserve the look of death. This ultimately caused me to bump into someone full speed.

"God damn watch where your-"

When my head snaps up to confront this bastard, I'm met with non other than Leon. I can't help but let a small smile seep through my cracked lips.

"I-Im so sorry-"

"It's ok, I promise. I do have to ask, what's got you in a hurry, love.

Not the pet names

I feel heat enter my cheeks, but I choose to ignore it.

"I- um. It's family shit, ya know."

"Ah, I get that." He says as his head nods slightly.

Respectfully, I don't think you do.

We stand there, it's not awkward tho. Blissful silence. Lovers Silence, as I like to call it. My eyes meet hue and god it's hard not to get emerged in the gorgeous hazel hues. While I'm in another diminution, his face is telling me his thinking. Hard. Trying to solve something, perhaps.

"Wanna go to my lookout point and talk?"

Hello babies! I'm sorry it's been so long! Def will be posting more hopefully! PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2022 ⏰

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