And god, did Louis pray for Zayn's words to come true.

Not after a minute, he heard Zayn's voice from the living room. “Hey, how'd it go?”

“Job done. Finally."


Louis unintentionally straightened his back from his slouching position.

“That's good to know, mate."

“Is Louis home? I need to tell him."

Louis' heart fluttered at the thought of Harry wanting to share something important to himself with him. He knew Zayn would take and use this to prove his point.

“Kitchen. Hug him for me, will ya?"

“Uh why?" Harry sounded confused.

“He's feeling down."

“Damn you, Zayn." Louis grumbled.

“Really? Why? What happened?" Great. Now Harry sounded concerned. More points for Zayn.

“Don't quite know myself. Maybe he'll tell you. Go ask him."

“Alright..." Then Louis heard footsteps.

“Louis?" Harry came into the kitchen.

“Hey. Is everything done?" Louis tried to get Harry's mind off from what Zayn had implanted in it.

“Yeah. It's sold. Got the last quarter of the price into the bank account today." Harry smiled lightly.

“That's good. Congratulations." Louis smiled.

“Thanks. Um, are... are you feeling okay?"

Mission failed. “Uh, yeah. Yeah. Why?"

“Well Zayn told me you were feeling down. Did something happen?"

“I'm never normally jolly, Harry." Escaped Louis' mouthed before he could contain it.

“Oh. Um..." Harry scratched the back of his neck. “Do you maybe wanna talk about it?"

“Nah." Louis shook his head. “There's nothing you can do."

“How so? Maybe I can try to help." Harry tried.

“Honestly, Harry, you can't help."

“How would you know unless you tell me the problem? Maybe I can."

“Dammit, Harry, just drop it, will you?" Louis snapped. And regretted the second later.

Harry stepped back at Louis' outburst, fear written on his face. His mind was starting to get clouded. He hadn't heard Louis' snapping tone directed towards him since when he was seventeen. His eyes were opened in fright and his hands were shaking slightly. Only one thing running in his mind.

What if Louis turns back to his old self?

“Harry, I'm-" Louis stood up from his chair to reach for Harry but the boy took a step back. “Harry, please-"

Harry couldn't listen. His mind flashed images that he had successfully had erased and that fogged up his head badly. He couldn't hear anything, he didn't understand Louis was trying to apologize. He did the only thing he could do.

He dashed out of the kitchen.

“Harry, wait!" Louis ran after him.

Harry's long legs came to his favour, he skipped steps as he ran up the stairs, Louis on his tail.

“Harry, wait! Listen to me!" Louis yelled.

“Get away from me!" Harry reached the floor and quickly ran towards his door. Zayn, on hearing the commotion, came out of his room with a confused face. Just in time for Harry to pass him and go to his room in the speed of light. He stood dumbstruck as he saw Harry open his door and slam it behind him once he entered the room. Then he heard Louis.

“Harry!" Louis came in sight and he ran to Harry's door. Once reaching, he tried to open the door which turned out to be locked. Zayn wasted no time in following swiftly.

“Harry, listen to me! I'm sorry! Why did you run like that?" Louis banged on the door. “I'm sorry! I didn't mean to snap!"

“What the fuck did you do?" Zayn pulled Louis back by his shoulder.

“You! You had my mind twisted! And I snapped at him! And now he won't fucking let me in." Louis shook the door handle aggressively.

“Stop it. Go to your room." Zayn pulled him back again.

“But, Zayn-"

“I said go."

“I need to know if he's okay." He turned for the door again but Zayn literally had to push him away.

“Go to your room. He looked traumatized. He needs time. Give that to him." Zayn dragged Louis away from the door from where a sound of whimpering came.

“He's crying. Zayn, he's crying! Let me see him!" Louis tried to get out of Zayn's grip by shoving him away but Zayn regained his balance and his hold on Louis.

“No! You need to leave him be, Louis." Zayn dragged Louis into his own room since Louis' was on the other side of the floor. He closed the door.

“I know what he thought. I know what scared him. Zayn, he thought I was gonna hurt him. I saw it in his eyes. He thought I was gonna hurt him like I did back then. I haven't seen that look in his eyes since then. He thought I w-would hit h-him again!" Louis broke down crying.

Zayn quickly held Louis in his arms, holding his sobbing friend tightly. Louis never cried. The last time when he openly did was all those year ago after realizing what he did to Harry. Zayn did hear some muffles from his room the night of Harry's wedding day and the day he got to know he got engaged. But Zayn didn't tell him that he knew.

Right now, he didn't say anything to try and console Louis because he just couldn't. The opposite of what he had told Louis had just happened, he couldn't say anything even if he tried to. All he could do was hold him close and let him pour his heart out.

All the while, Harry had his face stuffed into his pillow, muffling out his sobs alone. The flashbacks were the last thing he needed when he was just starting to open fully to Louis after all these years.




(ps. please check out my new book 'birthday stages for louis'. okay bye x)

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