We walk to the elevator and I press for it to go down. When the elevator opens I press for the basement 3 times.

Hellion scoffed. "Him and his superstitions."

"Hellion you avoided me for 7 days before because you spilt salt and thought we were going to get in a fight."

"That's different, us getting in arguments could happen without bad luck!"

I ignore him as he jabbers on about how he was being this, and Kuro was being that. Like the child he truly was. Instead of listening to him I looked around at the damaged and dirty elevator.

Surprised someone like Kuro would let it stay this dirty. He's a person who would break into your home just to clean it and leave, leaving you a note    – I still can't believe he did that to me – on how you could clean better.

"I'm not hypocritical, I just think it's stupid that he does it."

"You think it's stupid that he does it because it's him that does it, not because you actually think it's stupid."

"... No."

"If you are going to start shit Hellion then just look at the floor and keep your mouth shut."

"I don' wanna look at the floor!" He pointed his hands at the diety flooring of the elevator. "It's disgusting!"

"We've literally stood ankle deep in dea-" The elevator dings and the door opens revealing a high end technology lab with Kuro in his little spot in the corner working on what looked like a bracelet.

Kuro glances up at me, flashing a quick smile, then down then back up in recognition, this time staring behind me at Hellion.

"Oh, you brought in your dog."

"If anything it's the opposite." I peered over all the little things he'd made on my way to his desk. "That is what people call bodyguards after all, isn't it?"

"As long as he's leashed and supervised," He sent a clear mocking look at Hellion, "we should be good."

"Try and put a leash on me I hang you with it." Hellion sneered.

"If it's anything like last time I'm not to worried."

"You had a taser, you fucking pus-" I pinched Kuro and Hellions ears like I'd done to Hellion earlier. Both wincing out strings of ow's.

After a few seconds I let go and watched them both hold their ears and glare at each other. Blaming the other for getting in trouble rather then themselves.

"Can't you guys act like adults, Hellions you nearly are one and Kuro you're a year older then us."

"Whatever" they both muttered in unison. Kuro got back to tweeking at his at his bracelet completely ignoring Hellions existence while Hellion could only glare and evidently show his grievance.

"Whats that?"

"I've been working on this for a while, it's a tracker." He set it down with a long sigh, "I want it to signal when whoever wears it is in distress but it's more complicated than you'd think."

"I'm sure I can imagine how hard it is, why not just get them one of those watches and tweek it from there?"

He deadpanned at me. "Because that info is accessible to the manufacturers. Any crime would be able to be traced to the person because it'd track where they were and at what time." He stood and weaved around me, "Wouldn't be exactly easy to clear an alibi with a watch that would snitch on you."

He grabbed a stack of documents and turned back to me, "But you're not here for that." He held the papers out to me.

I smiled and grabbed them. Having Hellion hold the majority so I could glance over the top few.

A Comfortable Silence (Jayxreader)Where stories live. Discover now