「Phase 137」Even if my Wings Disappear

Start from the beginning

"...She's lucky to have someone like you," Sachiko said, smiling gently. "You're a great mother."

"Mother?!" Hiyori shouted, her cheeks turning red. She covered her mouth, waited for a second to calm down, and then took another drink. Finishing her little routine, she awkwardly chuckled. "I'm - I'm not like that at all. If she was any younger or less independent I probably would have accidentally set her on fire by now."

Sachiko shook her head. "No, she's lucky to have such understanding and kind adults in her life. To be honest... I'm jealous."

"You're jealous?"

"...Well..." Sachiko sighed. "Can I talk about something kinda personal...?"

"If you're comfortable."

Sachiko looked down to the floor, her shoulders hunched up. She awkwardly shuffled around on her seat, as if she was trying to get comfortable. "My parents got really mad at me when they found out," she admitted, running her hand over her cheek. "They get really mad at me for a lot of things... I know I'm privileged. I'm rich and have lots of opportunities to make myself successful in the future." She paused. "But back when she was alive, Sakura-san felt completely different to mother. Hiro-san feels completely different to father. They feel so much more loving and I sometimes wish I was born into their family instead." She further tensed up. "It's pathetic. I know what my parents insist I do is for the best. I know by disobeying them I'm being foolish and I deserve their punishment. But I... don't know what to do..."

Hiyori reached over, massaging Sachiko's cheek. She pushed the loose strands of hair away; her eyes soft and caring.

"Have you told anyone about this?"

"Mai-chan knows."

"Have you told any adults?"

Sachiko paused, then shook her head. "Adults know - we argue at school a lot. But nobody can do anything about powerful people like them." She paused again, digging her nails into her thigh. "I'm just being spoiled. Ignore me."

Hiyori took Sachiko's hands. "Stop that." She said, her expression stern. Then, she softened again. "I'll be the one to do something about it, then."

"You'll - what?"

"I'm an adult. I'll do something about it," she said. "I'm sorry, Sachiko-chan. I'm sorry that all us adults have failed you."

Sachiko paused. She opened her mouth to protest but nothing came out. Instead, tears began streaming down her face. Sachiko covered her mouth, and looked down so her bangs would hopefully hide her expression, then she got up. "I'm going to see if Mai-chan's alright," she muttered before heading off. She re-entered her girlfriend's messy room and sat down at the chair by the desk, sobbing into her hands.

─── 。゚☽: * .♤. * :☾ ° . ───

"Amamiya isn't coming in today?" Akemi asked Hiyori the next morning.

"She's been overworking herself recently. As the adult currently responsible for her, I realised it was in the best interest for everyone if she took a day to rest and rejuvenate."

Akemi paused, thinking back to that original meeting where Mai had collapsed. It would be best to avoid that kind of situation again, even if it had originally worked somewhat in her favour. She plastered on a smile.

"Is that so? I hope she feels better soon. It's a shame - we're looking for everyone's input here."

"System still not co-operating, eh?"

"Progress has been made. If possible, we're aiming for the update to be incorporated before those first years can make their move," Akemi explained, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "It'd be a shame if they humiliate themselves in front of the world, after all."

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