[21]"goodnight guys"

Start from the beginning

"See Pete, it's impossible!"

"THOR!" Shouted Tony out a window, "get dressed or you won't be ready when the party starts.

He turned to you and sighed, "sorry it looks like I have to go, and by the way, it isn't impossible". He picked up the hammer as if it weighed nothing and walked back inside.

A while later you stood with Peter looking out his bedroom window watching the cars pull up outside to let all the fancy dressed people out. The chatter and commotion drifted up but it always consisted of the same things. "How wonderful is this party"
"This building is humongous"
"I hope Thor will be in attendance"

You thought you might have to pour water out the window in a minute but luckily happy walked in holding bags with a bright yellow M on the front.

"Food!" You yelled taking the bags out his hands.
"The quarter pounder is mine don't touch it" he warned.

You took his food out and placed it next to a beanbag. You and Pete shared the other and began picking things out the bag, sharing chicken nuggets and chips whilst still eating your own burgers.

"How do you guys eat so much" asked happy, biting into his food.

"We're enhanced, we eat a lot. And we're growing teenagers. Nearly teenagers" you added putting more in your mouth.

You watch the tv screen playing some random comedy show but you could hear the faint thump of music coming from downstairs reminding you, you weren't allowed at the party. You slump further into the beanbag rolling your head to the side, looking around the room. Happy lay in his usual suit tapping on his phone, although you couldn't help but wonder how much more comfy he would be in some jogging bottoms. Pete looked like he could fall asleep with his head rolled to the side against the bean bag staring blankly into the television.

A long time seemed to pass before anyone moved. Happy reached into his pocket and pulled out a flat square box and turning it around to show a picture of a bright red car on a gravel road.
"The game!" You shout pointing to it.
Pete jumps up and carefully takes it from him. "Let's play it right now we have to play it now!" Pete says so quickly it all sounded like one long word.
Jumping to your feet, you turned on the console and grabbed the controllers as he put the game in. The screen lit up and a revving noise could be heard faintly behind your squeals.

Happy sat staring at you not believing how easily a game distracted you both, he was also glad he listened to Tony when he said 'only give it to them when they get quiet and look bored'. Thank god for Tony's bank account.
"Ahh Pete look how cool this car is! I'm going to add a spoiler and change the wheels I want to drift around the corners".
"Woah! I'm gonna get some wheels that allow for some drift but not too much, I don't want to lose control and crash into a tree. Look you can add symbols! I'm so gonna put Tony's arc reactor on my car".
"I'll put dads shield and we can race! Tony against Steve!"
"That's such a good idea!"

Unbeknown to you both, over two hours had passed since you started playing and it was now eleven o'clock. The sky outside was pitch black with no street lights to illuminate the ground.
"Alright y/n you've won ten I've one ten how about we play a tie breaker?"
"Sounds good Parker" you reply feeling competitive. That was until you noticed happy snoring in the beanbag next to you with his hands in his lap. He must have got bored watching you both play games.

"Actually Pete, I've got a better idea" you said menacingly.
He looked at happy and stifled a laugh. "Oh yea? What have you got planned?"
"We'll I can hear all my favourite songs playing downstairs so I think we should sneak down and dance".
Pete grinned, "I like that idea but we should dress all fancy so we fit in".

It sounded like an even better idea so you helped him choose an outfit from the cupboard and you both snuck into your room to find something that matched. He settled on a black suit with a deep red tie and you had a dress that slightly puffed out in the same colour.
"Ok let's go!" He said as he grabbed your hand and pulled you downstairs.

Peeking around the corner, you saw most of the avengers in what looked like deep discussions with random people. It was the perfect time to sneak in. You both made your way to the middle of the dance floor so it was less likely you'd be caught. A beautiful string quartet played modern songs, Tony had been watching Bridgeton again it seems.

You started dancing step in step with Peter very similar to the dances on Bridgeton actually, but with less tension. You both laughed as you took it in turns to spin the other. The violin played louder than everything until suddenly the piano would take over the same melody. The double bass added a sense of modernness making it upbeat to a usually slow and calm song.
Too entranced in your dancing, neither of you noticed the crowd thinning which left just you two and a few others dotted around the floor.

Bucky sat on a barstool wearing a dark black suit with a matching tie and Steve wore the same but with a bow tie.
Buck said he looked like an adorable dork so of course he had to keep it on.
As Steve stood chatting to the barman Bucky looked around, which is when he saw you and Peter dancing around. He blindly reached up to grab the others shoulder dragging him down and away from the conversation.
"Ouch buck I was speaking to someone are you ok? Buck?.... Hellooo".
Eventually he turned to look in the general area the speechless man was looking and that's when he saw you.
"Uh oh".

Bucky stood up and tried walking over to you but the other held him back. "Sit down we can't go over there. Someone could see".
"But my baby is dancing with a boy!"
"Hey look at me", Steve said softly grabbing the sides of his face, "it's Peter, and we both know they're just best friends. They've danced together before, they even learnt to dance together. I'm worried she's down here to but it's ok I'm going to ask Wanda to take them back upstairs ok?"
He continuously placed small kisses between bucks eyes until he relaxed and nodded.

You were oblivious as you held pete's hand and spun him around, both of you giggling. You barely noticed Wanda standing next to you, arms crossed.
"Wanda!" You both jumped back.
She simply pointed to the door so you walked out, her following close behind.
"You know you're not meant to be seen here, either of you. You could have got into trouble where's happy?"
"Oh he fell asleep a while ago" you replied.
"Yea on a beanbag" added Peter.

Wanda rolled her eyes just as happy scrambled around the corner.
"Oh thank god! I woke up and you two weren't there!"
"They were dancing, I think they should be going to bed now".
"That's a good idea, come on guys" said happy ushering you back upstairs.

Wanda made her way back to your dads to let them know you'd gone back to bed. "Happy fell asleep so they snuck down here apparently".
They both let out a sigh of relief and carried on talking to the guests.

A while later the party had died down so buck and Steve decided to check on you. They walked in to you both fast asleep cramped into the small bottom bunk in petes room. Your head on one end and peters on the other.
"That can't be comfortable" Bucky snickered.
Steve placed a blanket over you both, kissed your head and lightly squeezed peters shoulder. "Goodnight guys".

Steve and Bucky's daughter y/nWhere stories live. Discover now